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I had a dream I was going to meet Ricky. I walked right up to him, and then I woke up. FEEL MY BROKEN HEART.
We weren't told about who would be doing the live performance before the results. So when I found out it was Jamie Hartman, I almost died. He used to be part of Ben's Brother, who had sung Stuttering - the song that I covered last week. Now he had a solo career, and I was still in love with his music.

And he was here.

I was stood backstage with Lexi and Adam when I saw him on stage. He was singing Buddha Allah Jesus Jones, one of his best songs. And he was so good live - it was like a dream to be able to see him. I knew how much my mum loved his music, so she was going to be so jealous when she found out.
'Who is it?' Lexi whispered to me. That's the thing with the sort of music that I liked - it wasn't the most popular.
I explained to her who it was, and she nodded, acting like she knew who he was. I know she didn't. She was a terrible lier. Whenever she was lying, whatever she did would become more exaggerated.

He walked off stage, walking towards the area that we were in.
'Hey,' He said. 'Good luck, yeah?'
I couldn't talk I was fangirling so much.
'I think what she's trying to say is she's addicted to your music.' Adam said and laughed.
Jamie looked at me. 'Yeah, I saw when you sang Stuttering. Good job at that and everything, you were really good.'
'Wow,' I managed to say. 'Thank you'

'You're all up.' Production said.

'Good luck, Hazel. You'll do great. Trust me.' Jamie said, before we all went up on stage, and for some of us, it would be our last time.

We lined up, the bright lights shining in our eyes. I had Adam on one side of me, and Lexi on the other. I grabbed both of their hands, and soon, everyone was holding hands.
'As you know, only four of you can make it through to the finals. And the public have voted, and the lines are closed. So in no particular order, the first person through to the live finals of the Voice UK is...'

The whole room went silent. All of the coaches were sat back, staring at us.

'Melissa!' Emma shouted, as the room errupted into cheers. Melissa was from Tom's team. She was one of the strongest singers on, so it was no surprise that she got through.
'Also through is...'

I hated how they tried to build up the tension. Why couldn't they just get it over with so we aren't dying of old age while waiting for them to announce who was through?

'Alexander!' Shouted Emma. He was also from Tom's team, and he was a couple of years older than me. He had sung Radioactive by Imagine Dragons. He was one of Tom's steals from the knockouts - he had been on Will's team. I bet Will was gutted.

'Coming back for the final next week is...'

How many different ways could they think to say this? I wondered if they had a whole list of ways to say that you were through to the next round.

'Charlotte!' I didn't know much about her, apart from she was on Rita's team.

'And finally, through to the finals of The Voice UK is...'

I knew it could now only be one of us. My chances were low. And I knew that I wasn't the best singer out of all of us, and if what Tom had said about my performance was true, then people most probablt wouldn't have voted for me.

'Hazel!' Emma shouted.

It took me a few moments to realise that was my name. I was through. I hugged Adam and Lexi - I felt so bad that I had gotten through and they hadn't.

Ricky ran up onto the stage and hugged me.
'You did great. I'm so proud of you, Haze.' He said, grabbing my hand and leading me backstage.

Backstage, people were on their phones, talking to their friends and family. I didn't bother to get mine out. I knew that no-one would answer if I did. Both of my parents hated me, and I really didn't want to have that tonight.

'You think it's bad now, wait until the party tonight.' Ricky said, and quickly walked back onto the stage.

I had done it. I was through to the finals. And oh my god, I had spoken to Jamie Hartman!

The show finished, and everyone came backstage.
'We going to the party then?' Ricky asked me. I didn't even know much about this party. And I was pretty tired.
'I'm not sure. I'm quite tired.' I said.
'Oh, come on.' Ricky said. 'Trust me, this is a party for lightweights compared to the after-party after the finals.' He laughed. 'And trust me, if you win, you will not remember a thing from that night. And the next morning, well... There's the worst headache of the century.'
I laughed. I guessed I couldn't get out of this. 'Okay then,' I sighed.

We made our way to a bar in town. We walked. Walking through Manchester in the dark was always terrifying. People were turning and pointing, saying mine and Ricky's names in hushed voices. I knew that new rumours would emerge from this, but I didn't care.

We walked into the bar, and it was full of the rest of the contestants and coaches. We were both passed a glass of champagne.
'Posh' I said to Ricky and laughed.

Jamie Hartman was in the bar, stood with his own glass of champagne.
'You did really well, Hazel.' He said and smiled.

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