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Random fact:

Any song that I say Hazel plays on guitar means I can play it XD

Yeah I'm addicted to my guitar at the moment.


Don't forget to comment to let me know what you think!


The semi-finals came around so fast after that. I managed to practice Take On Me in front of Ricky for a few times, and we all went through Pompeii loads of times together as well. I was more confident for this show now. The only thing that was pulling me back was the nerves because of the rumours, and if anything would be said over social media, I didn't know how I could cope. There was also the fact that I was playing the guitar in front of an audience for the first time, which terrified me. And then there was the fact that this was the first of the live shows. So many things could go wrong, and they can't edit them out when it's live. That scared me.

I got changed into my dress - this week it was sky-blue, and floor-length, and I had on a pair of sliver ballet pumps. My hair was done up into a neat bun on the back of my head, and my make-up was flawless. Once again, I could hardly recognise myself in the mirror.

I grabbed my guitar - with my new strap from Ricky on it - and put it over my shoulder, ready to go on. It would soon be my turn. I could play this song in my sleep, I had practiced it that much. My fingers had become even more calloused over my time that I had spent practicing. They were still sore, making everything I touched tingle. I grabbed a plectrum from my dressing table, and began some last-minute tuning on my guitar. I lightly strummed the first few chords of the song. Chords that had engraved themselves into my memory.

'You're up.' Someone from the production team told me, and I made my way to the stage. I waited just to the side while they announced me.

'And now, from Team Ricky, it's Hazel Jones, with Take On Me.' Emma said, and walked off the stage. This was my time to go up. I had to forget everything that I was nervous about, and make this happen.

I walked up, smiling. If I showed to other people that I was feeling more confident, I would feel confident.

I began playing the into to the song, and suddenly got worried. What if people didn't like it because I was singing it slower than the original? What if they thought that I was too similar to Aqualung? I was terrified.

'Talking away

I don't know what I'm to say

I'll say it anyway

Today isn't my day to find you

Shying away

I'll be coming for your love, OK?'

Ricky had his eyes closed, and he was smiling. But I knew that this wasn't my best performance. I was having to fight more with my nerves.

'Take on me,

Take me on

I'll be gone

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