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Sorry this is a short chapter. I'm revising like mad at the moment, and I can't sleep that much, so I'm not getting much chance to write.
Anyway I hope you enjoy it.
Sam xx

Simon told Ricky later on. I had to look happy for the rest of the party, but deep inside, I was dying. My dreams of winning The Voice had been shattered. Ricky took it well. He said that this sort of thing happened quite often, but I could see from his eyes that he was unhappy about it. I knew it was all my fault.

I woke up to a text from Sarah, one of the producers.
'Can you come in this morning around 10? Got a meeting.'

I knew exactly what the meeting would be about. Simon said that the producers would want to talk, and he was right. This meeting would be about that news article.

I got up and went for a shower, then put on some of my normal clothes - a baggy white t-shirt and skinny jeans. There was a knock at my door just after I had finished pulling my hair back into a hair tie. I really couldn't be bothered to straighten it today.

Ricky was who had knocked.
'What are you doing here?' I said, and then realised how harsh I had sounded. I had too many things going through my head or once. 'I'm sorry, I--'
'It's okay.' Ricky said. 'I just wanted to see if you wanted a lift to the studios to that meeting. And no isn't an answer that I'll accept.' He laughed, although his heart wasn't in the laugh. He knew as well as me what this meeting was about, and he knew full well how this would probably end.
'Fine then,' I sighed. Nothing could get any worse, and it would probably be my last chance to spend time with Ricky.

So Ricky drove us to the studios in his car, but today it was more tense. We didn't know what to say to each other. Even if I did stay on the show, Ricky and I would never be friends in the same way as before after these rumours. It made it feel awkward between us.

We got out of the car, and walked into the office area of the studios. Ricky lead the way as I didn't know where we were meant to be going.

Ricky knocked on a door, and turned to me.
'Just tell the truth, and it will be fine.' He said.

Sarah opened the door, and we walked in. It seemed way too formal.

'You both probably know what you're here for.' Sarah said, as we sat down. 'Ricky,' she said. 'You know full well that being in a relationship with a contestant isn't allowed. I don't know how you're planning on explaining what you - what both of you - are thinking.'

I felt like a child being told off by a teacher for doing something stupid.

'We're not together.' Ricky said. 'The press took it too far. What they got from Starbucks was just an argument.' Ricky said, and then explained the argument.
'My dad doesn't even know me.' I said, backing Ricky up. 'He saw me on the show and wanted to meet me, and I was too scared to go alone, so Ricky went with me.'
'Well, people seem to have heard something different.' Sarah said. 'Why didn't you just go with one of your friends, Hazel? Why go with Ricky?'
I didn't know how to explain that. I could've gone with Lexi, but Ricky said he would go.
'It's my fault.' Ricky said. 'I told her that I would go. I just wanted to help.'

Sarah sighed. 'Well now we're in a mess. If you go through to the finals, people will think it's a fix, because they believe you and Ricky are in a relationship. That's if people vote for you after this.'

At least she believed us. The downside was that I knew what she was saying was most probably true.

'Sarah, stop looking on the bad side. People might give her more votes because of the rumours. They might help.' Ricky said.

'Look,' Sarah said. 'All I can do is issue a statement about it, explaining that you are not in a relationship. I can't do anything more.'

At least I was still on the show. But now, my friendship with Ricky was made awkward.

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