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So I'm really busy at the moment. My first exam is on Tuesday, which is French. So I'm really busy. I was also meant to have extra school today, but I have a sickness bug, so my friend had to bring my work home for me. So yeah, I have hardly any time, but I promise you that when I get time, I will update!
I woke up with a bit of a headache. Not my worst, but also not the best state I had been in after a night out. I checked the time on my phone. It was lunch already, and here I was, sprawled in my bed, with pyjamas with kittens on them. This is why I couldn't get a boyfriend.

I got up and made myself a cup of tea, and grabbed a couple of painkillers, hoping it would take the party that seemed to still be going off in my head away. I hopped back into bed with my sugary cup of tea, and decided to check my Instagram. I hope I hadn't posted anything I would regret last night.

Thankfully, I only had one post, and that was just a picture of me, Lexi and Adam. I vaguely remembered taking it. I was in the middle of an emotional moment I had, when I was upset because they were leaving. I knew that actually, they would be staying until the finals, because they would be there to watch them. I guessed I was just sad that they didn't have the chance to win any more. And the fact that I felt as if I had stolen their chances.

I clicked into the notifications on my Instagram, and was surprised straight away. I had more than 300 new followers, and been tagged in around 200 pictures, and mentioned in comments multiple times. I also had loads more comments on my posts and likes. I was shocked to see the comments people had put on my post.
'You were amazing, go #teamricky!!'
'Love your singing!!!'

And I thought that I hadn't done well. This showed that people thought differently to me. And that people actually really liked my singing. That had been proved by them voting for me over the others. It still surprised me that they had voted for me.

There was a knock at my flat door, and I got back out of bed. I hoped that it was just Lexi or someone, seeing as I was still in my pyjamas, with bed hair. I regretted not getting ready as soon as I woke up because of how late in the day it was.

I opened the door, and felt my cheeks go bright red. Ricky was standing there, smiling as he looked at my pyjamas.
'Love the kittens.' He said, and laughed.
'What the hell are you doing here?' I said, joking. Why would he even turn up at this time?
'We arranged last night for me to come round so we could rehearse.' Ricky said. 'But obviously all of that champagne went straight to your head.' He laughed.

I opened the door wider, for him to come inside. I didn't want to leave him standing in the corridor for everyone to see. And I didn't really want anyone else to see me in my embarrassing pyjamas.

'Wait in here while I go get showered, okay?' I said, knowing that there was no other way around this. 'Help yourself to coffee or whatever.'

I went and got a quick shower, rushing to get ready because, well, Ricky was in my flat waiting. I put on some clothes better than my kitten pyjamas - some bright blue jeans and a black t-shirt, with my denim shirt over the top because it was quite cold today.

I quickly dried my hair with my pitiful little hairdryer, and then went back through to Ricky, who was sat strumming on my guitar.
'Now I know you were definitely lying when you said you couldn't play.' I said, because he was playing better that I did.
Ricky laughed, and put my guitar down. "I've been thinking,' Ricky said, more seriously.
'That's a bit dangerous.' I joked, sitting down next to him.
'Thinking about our song.' Ricky continued. 'Because you have three performances, and we have to sing together. So I thought that maybe we could do one of the band's songs.'
Wow. Ricky wanted to perform one of his own songs with me. That was such a big thing to me.
'I was thinking that maybe - because it would suit you voice - we could perform Roses together.'

Roses was one of my favourite songs by them. The first time I heard it, it made me cry. That's how strong that song was to me.

'If you don't want to, that's okay-'
'Ricky,'' I said, stopping him from talking. 'I love Roses, and it would be amazing to sing it with you.'

I was shaking, I was that happy. It seemed so strange to think that I would be singing that with Ricky. In the finals of The Voice. A few months ago, I would never have dreamed to be here.

'Would you be okay if I got the band to come on then?' Ricky asked.

So I wasn't just singing with Ricky. I would be performing with all of the Kaisers.

'Of course it would!' I said.

We ran through Roses, I already knew all of the words off by heart because of the amount of times I had listened to it.

Ricky smiled at me after we finished singing.
'Haze,' He said. 'You're gonna win this.'

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