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Hey! So, what did you all think of The Voice last night? I was so happy! And Ricky looked so cute in his bow-tie. Hey, bow ties are cool! (Don't complain about my Doctor Who references XD) 

I'm updating as much as I can today, because today is my break from revison, and then tomorrow I'm back revising, then Tuesday I may be on a bit, and then I have school on Wednesday. Ew, school in the holidays sucks.

Anyway, remember to comment what you think! I always love to know what you think about my storylines!


I arrived at our flat. It was beginning to get dark outside, and I was glad to be getting in. I felt quite tired after today. I guess it was just the fact that I had been nervous about having to move in with three people I hadn’t even met before today. That sort of scared me. 

I pulled my key out that had been sent to me. The keyring said 31 on it. I guessed that was my fault number. Three floors up. 

I went to the lift, and up to the third floor. Thank god the lift was working with the weight of my suitcase. 

The door to the flat was plain - white, with a simple black 31 on it. This was it. I could hear people inside, laughing and having fun. Hannah was in there - I could hear her talking. She had one of those voices that when she was talking, you could hear her over everyone. 

I put my key in to unlock the door, to find that the door was already unlocked. I pushed it open, and walked in.

There was loud music playing - and not the sort of music I would ever choose to listen to. I’m all for everyone having their own taste in music, but when their taste is absolutely terrible, I’m really not. 

Hannah turned around as I walked in. ‘You could’ve at least knocked.’ She said, sitting down on the settee, and spreading out on it.

‘I live here too, Hannah.’ I said.

I heard Hannah say something under her breath, and I swear she said ‘not for long’. 

‘Hannah, get off her back.’ Another girl said. ‘Jesus,’ she sighed, and came walking over to me.

She was nothing like Hannah - dark hair, thick eyeliner, and purple lipstick. She was just taller than me, and she couldn’t have been much older. ‘I’m Lexi,’ she said.

‘I’m Hazel,’ I replied. ‘Hey,’ 

Another woman from the back of the room walked forward. ‘I’m Jess,’ She said. ‘Nice to meet you Hazel,’ She said. ‘So you’re singing with Hannah here?’ Jess said.

I nodded.

‘You two will sing great together.’ She said. ‘I’m with Lexi,’ She wrapped her arm around Lexi as she said it. 

Lexi looked at Jess, ‘Two days to get ready still aren’t enough, no matter how nice you are to me. You still gotta learn what part is actually yours to sing.’ 

‘What can I say,’ Jess said, looking at me and smirking, ‘I just love singing,’ 

I laughed at her. I loved her enthusiasm. They both seemed so nice, and so different to Hannah. 

‘Anyway, who wants food?’ Hannah said, getting up. 

‘Sure,’ Lexi and Jess said at the same time, and then high-fived. To say they had an age gap, they seemed like best friends. 

‘I’m okay thanks,’ I said. ‘I think I might just go and get some sleep.’ 

I walked to the room that didn’t have anyone’s bags dumped outside of it. The room was okay inside. It was simple - a single bed, white bedding, white walls, a mirror on a dressing table, and some draws. 

I took my phone out and checked it. I had a text from Ricky.

How's your flat? x 


I didn’t want to have to tell him about how much I don’t like Hannah after our conversation earlier. 

Lexi and Jess seem nice enough. I can cope x


I didn’t want him to think that I hated it. I didn’t hate it - I hated Hannah. Actually, I would change that word. ‘Hate’ shows that you still care enough about someone to feel like that for them. I just disliked Hannah. After these few days, I wouldn’t have to see her again - at least not on the same team as me, that is if I stay on. 

I fell to sleep quickly. I suppose I was just that tired. 

The next day, I got up early so I could get in the bathroom and have a shower. By the time I was out, Hannah was up.

‘You could’ve asked if we wanted to get in before you used all of the hot water,’ Hannah said.

‘I don’t see why you’re saying ‘we’ seeing as only you are up, Hannah. Or were you using the royal we?’ I said. I could go down to her levels if I had to, it wasn’t that hard.

Hannah sighed.

‘Why do you hate me, Hannah?’ I asked. It just came out, I didn’t even know that I was asking it, and immediately I wanted to take it back.

Hannah laughed at me. ‘You get a text, from a person called Ricky, and straight after we are going through our song with Ricky, and he can’t get his eyes off you.’ She said. ‘There’s something going off between you two.’ 

‘Hannah,’ I said. ‘I told you that Ricky was one of my friends from home. Ricky Wilson wasn’t texting me.’ I lied. ‘And he wasn’t looking at me the whole time.’ 

Hannah raised her eyebrows. ‘Look,’ she said, sighing. ‘I don’t care. After this, I won’t have to see you again, and it will just be me on here. Not you. I hope you haven’t unpacked your bags.'

I didn’t say anything. I hadn’t unpacked my bags, but I didn’t want to give her the pleasure to know that. I wasn’t the most hopeful about this. I know Ricky said that he wanted Hannah out, but what if she performs well on the night and I’m terrible? The other coaches would start thinking things. If Hannah did really well, she would be kept in. Yeah, the other coaches might use up a steal on me, but it’s not the same as being in Ricky’s team. Ricky wants me to win. 

Hannah went through a few songs with me, and did the same the next day as well. She was singing halfheartedly with me though. I knew it was because she didn’t want to perform with me, and that we had to act like friends in front of the cameras.

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