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I really hope you all like this chapter. It's not very long, so I'm sorry, but I really don't have that much time at the minute.

'Now, performing Eyes Open, is Hazel!' Emma said, and I walked on stage.

My hands were shaking. I was happy that I didn't have to play guitar to this, because I would have found it so hard to keep my hands still enough. This song that I was about to sing could be released as a single at midnight; I could be a real singer by midnight. This was my make-or-break performance, and I had to do my best. I know I said that a lot, but every performance was more important than the last.

The intro to the song began, and I glanced over at Ricky.
'You can do this.' He mouthed.

And for once, I felt like I could.

'Everybody's waiting
Everybody's watching
Even when you're sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open

The tricky thing
Is yesterday we were just children
Playing soldiers
Just pretending
Dreaming dreams with happy endings
In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords
But now we've stepped into a cruel world
Where everybody stands and keeps score

Keep your eyes open

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown
Everybody's watching to see the fallout
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open

So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard
Every lesson forms a new scar
They never thought you'd make it this far
But turn around, oh they've surrounded you
It's a showdown and nobody comes to save you now
But you've got something they don't
Yeah you've got something they don't
You've just gotta keep your eyes open

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown
Everybody's watching to see the fallout
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes

Keep your feet ready
Heartbeat steady
Keep your eyes open
Keep your aim locked
The night goes dark
Keep your eyes open

Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown
Everybody's watching to see the fallout
Even when you're sleeping, sleeping

Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open
Keep your ey-eyes open'

Everyone in the room was cheering, all of the coached were standing and clapping. Ricky was smiling at me, staring at me intensely, as if his blue eyes were fixed on me.

'Hazel Jones, everyone!' Emma said, coming back onto the stage and standing next to me. The whole room was cheering again. Once the applause had died down, Emma turned to Ricky. 'What did you think of Hazel then? Do you think you're in with a chance to be the first coach to win for two consecutive years?'
'We are in with an amazing chance.' Ricky said. 'That was brilliant, Hazel, and I'm sure everyone thinks the same.'

I walked off the stage, and waited for the performance from a random band to be over, and for the results to be announced.

I checked my phone in the hope that maybe my mum had changed her mind on how she felt about me, but there was nothing. My phone was full of Twitter and Instagram notifications. I had seventeen thousand followers on each now, and that's what initially surprised me. Then on my Instagram I looked at the most recent comments on my latest post. People were going mad for me,, commenting that they were voting for me, and that I should win. I had been tagged in so many posts as well. People were reposting some of my pictures, and talking about me. I clicked onto one random one.
'I ship Ricky and Hazel so much omg!!' It said. Wow, so now I was getting shipped? The only person who shipped me with someone before this was Megan. Now, I noticed that as I was scrolling through the posts, a good amount of them were shipping me and Ricky.

Someone from the production team nudged me, letting me know it was time for me to go back on stage.

'Hazel, Jacob, come and join me.' Emma said from on the stage. Jacob was beside me.
'Good luck,' He said to me quietly and smiled. That was the first time he had spoken to me, and it took me by surprise to beging with.
'Good luck to you too.' I said, and walked on stage with him.

'The results are in.' Emma said. They always had this way on The Voice of giving her things to say that sounded so mysterious they were cheesy.

'The winner of The Voice UK is...' She began.

I looked to Ricky to reassurance, and he just smiled softly at me. 'You'll be okay.' He mouthed. I hoped I would be okay.

I saw Jacob look at me out of the corner of his eye. I wasn't sure if the look he was giving me was hateful, or feeling sorry for me.


At that point, everything was right. I couldn't believe it. I repeated it in my head. I've done. I've won it. You did it Haze. It was unbelievable.

Ricky ran up onto the stage, and hugged me. It was only then I realised I was crying. But for the first time in a while, I wasn't cryong out of sadness; this time, it was out of pure happiness.
'I love you so much for winning this.' Ricky said, hugging me again. He was reminding me once more that I had actually won.

'Hazel, how you do you feel?' Emma asked.
'Amazing,' I said. 'I can't believe it. I had never even expected to even get this far, let alone win.'
'And Ricky, do you have anything to say?'
'Just that I'm so proud of Hazel. She really deserved to win this after everything that has happened in her life.'

'Hazel Jones, everyone1' Emma shouted, as me and Ricky walked off stage.

We walked through to the backstage area, and I half sat down, half collapsed onto the settee, and Ricky laughed.
'So that just happened.' I said.
'You were amazing, Haze.' Ricky said. 'I was telling the truth - I am really proud of you.'

That meant a lot coming from Ricky. And it still made me happy to know that he liked my singning.

'So, what're you going to do after tonight?' Ricky asked.
'Well, it's not like I can go home, so I'm going to rent out the flat for another month or so until I actually find somewhere to stay. I just need to go home and pick up all of my stuff. There's no way I'm staying there.'
'If you're sure that's what you want to do, I'll take you.' Ricky said.
'Thanks Ricky. You're the best.'

Ricky laughed. 'I'm the best?' He said. 'You said that without any alcohol. I would hate to see you soon.'

I stood up and we both walked outside, where a limo was waiting to take us to the after party. Along with screaming people. And photographers.
'Welcome to the land of fame.' Ricky laughed, and he held the door open for me while I got into the limo.

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