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It makes me so happy to see that all of you like this story. I gotta admit, I love writing this!
Hazel's POV

I could remember hearing what he was saying. It was like when you were half asleep and you hear a noise - I wasn't sure if what he was saying was a really good dream, or if he was actually saying it. I hoped he was actually saying it. That's why I replied.

'Well, this is embarrassing.' Ricky said. 'I mean, I could've at least chosen a better time and place for it.'
I laughed. 'It's okay.' I said. 'I know you're not the best at romance.'

I began to budge myself into a sitting position, but then my body suddenly remembered all of the pain that was in it. Pains shot up through my side and head, so I gave up and stayed lying down.
''Just keep resting.' Ricky said. 'You went through a lot.'

It all came flooding back to me. The screech of the cars hitting. Being able to hear Ricky next to me, but unable to move to see him. All of the talking surrounding me.
'Oh god,' I said. 'Your car is wrecked.' That was my first thought. They had to cut me out of the car, so now the car was no more.
Ricky laughed. 'The car is the least of my worries right now.' He said, and stroked his hand through my hair.
'I'll be fine.' I said. It was just a few cuts, and a fractured leg. I would get over it. Ricky had to find a completely new car.

There was a knock at the door to the room, and then it opened. Then... my mum walked in. She actually thought it would be okay to turn up here. I couldn't believe her.
'Hazel, it was on the news. I came here as soon as I found out.'

Great. So not only was my mother here, everyone knew about what had happened.

I turned my head away so I wasn't looking at her. I knew that she would give me no choice but to talk to her.
'What were you even doing around here?' She asked.
I didn't answer. Neither did Ricky; he was just staring at her.
'Hazel, why aren't you talking?'
'Because I don't want you here.' I said slowly and quietly, trying to stay calm. I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she annoyed me.
'You're my daughter, Hazel.' She said, walking closer and standing to the side of the bed. I turned my head to look at her.
'Funny, that.' I said. 'I mean, over the past few weeks, you've made it pretty clear that you want nothing to do with me.'
'I've been doing my best. Your father and I both believe you shouldn't be around this man, and you should just come back to us.'
'Us?' I said. 'You're with him.' I couldn't believe she would do that. Actually, I could. She had changed so much lately, and now I knew why. My father had changed her. He was controlling her.
'Well, yes.' She said, shrugging it off. 'But that's not the point.'
'What is the point?' I asked. 'You have pushed me so far away, you can't take me back. And I don't get what's so wrong with Ricky. He's special to me, and I may have only just realised it, but it doesn't change a thing. It has nothing to do with you. Not any more.'
'Hazel, don't you dare do this.' She said. The anger in her eyes was more than I had ever seen.

'I think you should just leave.' Ricky said, not moving.
My mother didn't move either.
'Now.' He said.
She sighed. 'If that's how you want it, then that's it. You are no daughter of mine.' She turned around and walked out, letting the door slam behind her.

And that was it. She just went. And then Ricky was the only person I had left in my life.

'You okay?' Ricky asked.
I shrugged - well, shrugged the best as I could with all of these bruises all over my body. 'It's not like anything is different from a few weeks ago.' I said. All that had happened today is that she pointed out to my face that she hated me.
Ricky smiled softly. 'I can't believe how strong you are.'

A doctor walked into the room.
'Hi, Miss Jones.' She said, smiling. 'It's nice to see you're awake.' She walked over. 'How're you feeling?'
'Not the worst I've felt.' I said.
'Glad to hear it. Well, it looks like you can go home.' She said. 'You've got no major damage, so we have no reason to keep you here.'
Ricky smiled at me.
'That's good.' I said.
'I'll just go and get you some crutches, and then you two can be off.'

The doctor walked back out.

'How are we going to get back?' I asked Ricky. It wasn't like he could just drive us now.
'I have that sorted.' He said, and smiled. And at that exact point, Simon walked into the room.
'Hazel, you okay?' He asked. 'Ricky said you two had been in an accident.'
'I'm fine.' I said.
'Good.' Simon said and smiled.
'Si, can we have a lift home?' Ricky asked. 'Seeing as we have no car now...'
Simon laughed. 'How could I refuse.' He said.

The doctor walked back in with a pair of crutches.
'Right,' She said. 'You can escape now.' She smiled, then walked back out.

Ricky grabbed the crutches, and helped me sit up. The pain in my side wasn't as bad now, but it was still there. He wrapped his arm around me, and helped me get up, and handed me the crutches.
'You two are so cute.' Simon said, laughing at us.
'Shut the hell up, and help a girl in pain get out of here.' I said.

Simon held the door open for me, and I slowly made my way through.

We made our way out to the car, and I got in the back, with help from Ricky. My side and leg were killing, but I was glad to be out of the hospital. I hated hospitals.

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