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Anyway, I forgot to ask you last time, what do you think of Ricky's new girlfriend (Grace Zito)?? I thing they are super cute together, and I really hope it lasts!
We arranged to meet my dad in a Starbucks just a few minutes away from the flats. I did it through texts, I was just too scared to call him.

I'm not saying that I wasn't scared to meet him. I was absolutely terrified, so I was so glad that I had Ricky to go with me. At least he would be nicer I guessed, seeing as I wasn't going to be the only one there. And Ricky would be there for me if anything didn't work out.

'I'll drive us,' Ricky said, as we left my flat.

I was glad he said that - I was extremely tired after getting no sleep last night because I was worrying so much. I know it was stupid for me to worry so much, but I couldn't help it. I had always been a massive worrier.

We got into Ricky's car, and he drove us the few minutes to Starbucks, and parked outside.
'You okay?' Ricky asked.
I nodded. 'I guess this is the most okay I can be,' I laughed, getting out of the car.

We walked into Starbucks, and were instantly met by the warm, welcoming smell of fresh coffee.

'Hazel?' A man said from behind me. I turned around, and there was a man in his forties sat on a table, a cup of steaming coffee in front of him.
'Dad?' I said shyly. He looked nothing like what I had expected. Average build, dark hair cut short, wearing jeans and a t-shirt.
'That's me.' He said, smiling, and then looked towards Ricky.
'Oh, um, yeah,' I stammered, realising that he didn't know that Ricky was coming. 'This is Ricky, he's, um, my coach on the show.' I said.
'Hey,' my dad said to Ricky, and shook his hand.

There was an awkward silence between all of us. Me and Ricky hadn't sat down.
'Oh, of course!' My dad said suddenly. 'Come and sit down.'

We both did as he said. He had quite a commanding voice.

'You've grown up a lot.' my dad said, smiling.
'Well, you did leave when I was a baby.' I said too bluntly, and then immediately regretted it. He was making an effort, and I wasn't. 'Sorry, I didn't mean-'
'It's okay,' My dad cut me off. 'I know. And I'm sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am for that.'

We sat in silence.
'Do you want me to get us a drink?' Ricky asked me.
'Sure,' I said. 'I'll drink whatever.'

Ricky got up and walked up to order some drinks. The barista serving automatically recognised him and started to fangirl. If I was her though, I would have. At least, before getting this close to Ricky I would.

'You're good on The Voice,' my dad said, smiling.
'Thanks, I guess.' I said timidly. I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't even know him. I didn't even recognise his face. That said a lot about how much he had been in my life.
'But,' He said. There always had to be a but with everyone, didn't there? I was just dreading this one. 'But a show like that isn't a place for a girl like you.' He said.
I immediately sighed. I knew that this wouldn't go in a good way. I knew that he would have something against me, and this was it. Just when I thought that he was an okay person, he came out with that.
'You're too young.' He said. 'And as for that Ricky-'
'I'm eighteen tomorrow.' I said, keeping a hushed voice. I had made myself forget that my birthday was coming up. Rehearsals meant a lot more than my birthday. 'I'm not too young for this.' I said. 'And I have my own mind.'

I turned around to see what Ricky was up to. He was stood talking to the girl who was serving him, and she was fangirling.

'It's just not a place I want you to be, Hazel.' My dad said, making me turn back around. 'And especially not around that Ricky. I've seen the way he flirts-'
'Look,' I said. 'Ricky doesn't like me. He's a friend, and that's all. And I don't care if you don't want me there. You never had anything to do with me for the rest of my life.'
'And I'm sorry about that!' My dad said, seeming to find it hard to keep quiet. 'But I just don't want you around that Ricky person.'

'You don't?' A voice said from behind me, making me jump. Ricky was stood just behind my chair, two take-out cups in his hand. He had been prepared by getting take-outs.
'No,' my dad said, raising his voice, causing people to turn around and stare. 'I don't want my daughter on that show, and I certainly don't want her around you. I know what you're known to be like with women.' He said. The whole Starbucks seemed to just go silent. Everyone was listening in.
'I'm friends with your daughter, and her coach. That is all that is going off.' Ricky said, keeping his voice quiet.
'Please,' I interrupted. 'Look, if you don't like what I'm doing, don't get involved.' I knew I was raising my voice. I didn't care anymore. People had already heard enough to know what was going off. 'It's not as if you've found it hard to do that so far in my life.' I said quieter, and stood up. Ricky seemed more than happy to leave with me.

My dad didn't follow, and I hoped that he wouldn't think of talking to me again.

'You okay?' Ricky asked as we got into the car. He passed me my drink. I forgot that he got me one. 'Caramel Latte okay?' He asked, and I nodded and had a drink. Starbucks helped with almost everything. Usually it would. Although, this once, I wasn't sure that it did.

I put my drink down in the cup holder, and sat back in the seat. Ricky hadn't stared driving yet, he was just sat staring at me.
'Can we just go?' I asked, not wanting to look him in the eye. I knew I would mess everything up. And I had. My own dad hated me. And I knew that for a fact now rather than just thinking it.
'Sure,' Ricky said quietly, putting his own drink down, and starting the car. 'But don't think I'm just going to leave you like this.' He said.

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