07; You love him but he has a girlfriend

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Yes, I've read the comments, but no, I am NOT making a part two to this. Sorry, but happy endings don't occur all the time, haha. Anyway, have a great day x

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Mark tapped his fingers on the table, his knee bouncing up and down from nervousness.

"Mark, calm down!" You laughed.

"I'm just so excited!" He exclaimed, his smile wide and eyes shining. You didn't know why Mark had invited you to lunch, but you were happy when he asked you. His eyes scanned the small cafe, lingering on the door for a while.

"Why did you call me here anyways?" You asked. It was kind of obvious that he was waiting for someone, but who? His mom? Wade? Bob? Jesus?

He looked at you and smiled. "You'll see."

You sighed and took a sip from your coffee. You looked at Mark, admiring his features. His hair was fixed and he wore a flannel, its sleeves folded until his elbows. You just sat there, looking at the man you love. Just as you were about to take another sip, Mark jumped out of his seat.

"Hey, You finally made it! Took ya long enough," Mark said, greeting this girl.

Your gut twisted as you thought of who she could be. You didn't want to believe it; and you weren't going to unless Mark said it himself.

"Hi! You must be y/n. Mark told me a lot about you," The girl greeted as she stuck her hand out. You shook it and smiled politely.

"So, y/n this is Mikayla-"

Don't say it.

"-My girlfriend." He stated proudly before kissing the top of her head.

Your heart ached at the sound of those words slip out, but you managed a smile.

"Mikayla, this is y/n, my best friend," Mark finished, looking at Mikayla with so much love. You wished he would look at you that way, but now it was obvious that he never will.

"It's nice to meet you," You said.

Mark gestured her to sir beside him and she slid in. You three talked and exchanged a few stories here and there. You masked up your sadness as hard as you can, and it seemed to work since no one has mentioned anything, especially with Mark, since he always saw right through you.

"-and then, Mark slipped and hit his head," You said, remembering the time Mark tried to mop the floor. Mikayla just laughed and Mark turned red, smiling sheepishly.

"You're such an idiot, Mark." Mikayla said, looking at him.

"But I'm your idiot." He said before kissing her nose. You smiled, trying to ignore the feeling of your sinking heart.

"You and y/n are really close, huh?"

"Yep, she's like a sister to me."

And that's all you'll ever be.

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