39; Cuddles

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A/N: I'm back with a longer imagine, hahaha. So here, have some fluff. Thanks for being so patient! I'll try to update again later today. As always, have a great day! x

Also, this one is dedicated to terriblypunny . Thank you for being so sweet all the time!! Hope you have a great day x

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

Cuddling with Mark was without a doubt, one of your most favorite things to do.

You'd never get tired of the tranquility that seems to wrap the two of you in as you stayed inside an impenetrable bubble; away from the harsh, yet beautiful world that you had grown to live in. It was some sort of safe haven, with the way none of your negative thoughts appear to reach you and how time seems to have slowed. Who knew that someone could give you so much happiness just by holding you close?

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

It was chilly Saturday morning. You woke up to a sky blanketed with nothing but pure white; already lifting your mood from your usual grumpy awakenings. Your nose tickled as you felt a yawn coming, sitting up while you stretched so you didn't smack Mark in the face again - since it has happened before, which woke him up and with you sputtering out apologies through your laughter.

You laid back down, sinking into the fluffy pillow and pulling your blanket over you so that your whole body was underneath it. Sighing in content, you shifted to your side to look at Mark, smiling at his sleeping figure and tousled hair. He look tired - not exactly peaceful like a lot of people would describe when someone slept. Light shades of eye-bags rested under his eyes and his body seemed scrunched up like a ball, instead of being outstretched and relaxed on the fairly large bed that provided heaps of comfort.

You weren't surprised. It's been a busy month for Mark; although all the events and plans made him happy, it also took a toll on him physically. You made sure to give him a bunch of massages and kisses, to which he'd respond to with a big hug and a "Thank you," smiling to himself as he swayed back and forth with your face pressed to his chest, wondering what he did to deserve you.

8:12 AM, displayed your phone. It was still pretty early, so you set aside the temptation of waking Mark up by running your fingers through his hair for a little longer. You wanted him to get as much sleep as he could, so you inched a few spaces away from him before going on the social media apps you had on your phone. The fans knew about your relationship ever since you two decided to go public - with none other than a video of you guys playing Super Smash Bros. It was definitely a fun way of introducing yourself, and the fans seemed to agree as they bombarded the both of you with fan art and various edits. And, the kiss you and Mark shared at the end of that video sparked some people's writing skills... Let's just say that you were in the kitchen making dinner, and you were reading a certain oneshot that made your face red while you, ironically, sliced some lemons. You had to switch to another recipe.

It's probably been about 20 minutes after you checked the time when you felt the bed shift slightly and a hand tap the back of your phone. You moved your device out of your face and slid it under your pillow as you grinned at Mark, who gave you a sleepy smile before closing his eyes again and dropping his outstretched arm. You wrapped your hand around his wrist gently, giggling softly as you folded his arm towards him, squirming closer in the process.

"Good morning," You whispered through half-lidded eyes.

He let out a big yawn, reaching for his mouth to cover it before opening his eyes, revealing a layer of glossy tears.

"Good morning." His voice was deep, laced with sleep and huskiness which still caused a faint jolt in your heart even after being with him for so long.

"Do you want some breakfast?" You asked, feeling your stomach grumble ever so lightly as you thought about what you could cook.

He hummed, shaking his head. "Let's just stay here for a bit."

And with that, he draped his arm over you and softly patted your back as a signal to move even closer until the space between you was gone. You did as he said, pressing your forehead against his broad chest while your legs automatically began to tangle underneath the warmth of your comforter.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky and the clouds dispersed, your positions changed - your head would be on Mark's chest and his fingers would trace shapes on your back; or he'd wrap his arms around your waist while your back is against his chest and his stubble would tickle your neck. The only thing that didn't change was the fuzzy warmth that radiated off your bodies and the calming rustling of the trees outside. Both of you spoke and exchanged stories from time to time - sometimes even laughing as you recalled some memories ranging from days to weeks and months ago; and you giggled at the feeling of the vibration and rumbled that erupted from Mark's chest while your head rested on it.

But right now, the two of you were silent; not that either of you minded, of course. The air was just too damn peaceful.

Your steady breathing mixed with the cool breeze filled the room as you laid with closed eyes, both of the brink of unconsciousness; swaying back and forth between the state of being asleep and awake.

But you and Mark didn't want to fall back into slumber - you and Mark didn't want to fast forward the time and skip a few hours ahead; No, you just wanted to stay like this; with all your responsibilities locked in a box for the time being and feeling the affection from someone you loved. So, those three words were able to pull the two of you back - redrawing the line that separated you from consciousness and unconsciousness which was blurred only a few moments ago.

"I love you." Mark murmured, his words almost being caught in the whistling wind that danced through the trees.

You smiled. "I love you, too.

Cuddling with Mark was without a doubt, one of your most favorite things to do.

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