32; Sleepover

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A/N: Hello! Okay, I've kind of pressured myself into uploading a new imagine every two days, which is partially good because it makes me write more, but it also makes the quality of my content worse than before, so sorry about that! I'll still try to follow my new schedule while giving better content :-) I had a lot of fun writing this! It's based on how I feel personally towards sleepovers (which I adore, obviously). This isn't the best, though, so sorry about that! Have a great day x

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

A sleepover.

For some reason, that word excited you. Just the thought of staying over at someone else's house, or even your own, and being able to spend time with them without having to experience the reluctant goodbyes was enough for you to grin as you came up with numerous activities. Who doesn't like a night full of midnight snacks, non-stop laughter and video games? Definitely not you, as well as Mark and the rest of the group.

"Okay," You started, sliding down your bag that hung on your shoulders, letting it drop to the floor. "We are not going to play truth or dare."

"Aww, why not?" Sean asked, faking a pout.

You rolled your eyes. "What are we? Middle schoolers?"

"Some of us, yeah..." Wade snickered, eyes darting in between Mark and Sean, who quickly caught on.

Hey's and what's came from the two, making Bob laugh.

"Speak for yourself!" Mark retorted, thus starting a playful argument.

You sighed, walking over to the couch where Bob sat.

"I rest my case."

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

"Mark, stop being such a try hard!" Sean exclaimed, eyes glued to the screen as he watched his character, making sure to not mix his up with anyone else's.

"I'm not being a try hard!" Mark argued, his voice getting higher.

Wade was already out, not that anyone was surprised. Speedrunners wasn't exactly a game he was good at.

Various comments and curses echoed off the walls, while you remained somewhat silent- for the time being. You were doing pretty well, since you have been playing for a few days; not that you'd ever admit it.

"Dammit!" Bob cursed as he got left behind.

Mark smirked and you let out a breath.

"Oooh, still here, huh, Y/N?" Sean remarked, smiling coyly.

"You're so quiet!" Mark added, earning a huff from you.

"Try haaard!"

"Shut up! I'm concentrating," You grumbled.

After a few more seconds, the ticking bomb appeared, accompanied by a shrinking red box.



"Just like your di-"

"Oh my GOD"

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