41; Crush

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A/N: markimooatthedisco has some great imagines so go and check them out! As always, have a great day, everyone! x

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

You were Sean's best friend.

You were the one who encouraged him to start his Youtube career, smacking him on the head whenever he doubted himself and even helping him out with editing from time to time. Even the fans knew who you were - and they adored you. You called yourselves each other's siblings; until Sean said that siblings often fought and that you guys were more like cousins. You laughed at that, but agreed.

Being his parter in crime had it's perks; one of them was being able to travel with him to conventions. Here, you met tons of people, fans, Youtubers - and, of course, your crush.

Mark was another Youtube gamer and was a close friend of Sean. Your first meeting was casual, both of you not thinking much about it, but after seeing each other more often, you realized your undeniable attraction for each other. Of course, you and Mark were 'dense motherfuckers' as Sean called when he talked about it to Bob. The Irish doofus already decided to play Cupid; whether you told him about your crush or not.

"Hey, you made it!" You beamed, looking at Mark who stood at the front door.

His face lit up when he saw you, and he flashed a bright smile. "Of course! Why would I miss Sean's birthday?"

You shrugged, letting out a quiet "True," before Mark gave you a hug.

The birthday boy smiled mischievously from afar as he watched your interaction. While you chatted, Sean came up to greet his friend.

"Mark!" He called, waving as he got closer.

"Hey! Happy birthday," Mark grinned, strands of his newly dyed red hair falling to the side of his face.

You stepped back and let the two high five, smiling.

"Thank you, thank you."

The three of you stood there, silent, with you wearing an awkward smile as Sean just darted his eyes between you and Mark, his playful grin not faltering.

"So! Drinks and food are over there, and I'll be in the other room if you need me," Your green-haired friend finally spoke, pointing to the said areas. "I'll call you guys when we start our games!"

"Games?" You questioned, raising your eyebrow, but the birthday boy was already out of your sight.

You looked at Mark, who shrugged, and you shook your head. "What could that dork be thinking of this time?"

Mark laughed. "I'm sure it's nothing bad. Maybe just some beer pong or something,"

"Possibly," You nodded. "As long as it's not Truth or Dare then I'm good."

"Hey, Truth or Dare isn't that bad,"

"Oh boy," You laughed, turning your head to the side to where Sean went. "If you think it isn't that bad, just wait 'till you play with Sean. He'll give you hell."

Mark still kept his big grin, and now as he chuckled, his eyes began to squint. "Jesus, thanks for telling me,"

"You're welcome. I'm saving you from a lot of embarrassment."


It was quiet again for a moment, although this time, the steamy air wasn't accompanied by awkwardness - instead, it was just comfortable silence as you two watched your other friends do some weird shit (as usual), with a smile on your face and your arms almost touching. Mark spoke up first.

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