19; You're Insecure

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A/N: I'm going to put up multiple imagines at once, since I haven't been updating at all- which makes me feel horrible. Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you all have a great day :-)

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You were strolling through the streets of LA hand in hand with Mark; glancing at the stores as you passed them, hoping to find someplace interesting. It was awfully hot today, but that didn't stop Mark from taking you out on a date. He persuaded you by telling you that you two could go buy ice cream. You guys could just do this in your house and even play video games, but Mark loves to go out when he has free time- which surprised you at first because you expected him to just play more games.

You were admiring some flowers when some fans came up to Mark.

"Um, excuse me?" A girl said, her voice shaky.

You both turned around and smiled. Mark is a well known youtuber, so being spotted in public was pretty inevitable.

"Hey, what's up?" Mark greeted, flashing his goofy grin.

The fan and him spoke for a while, and soon enough, more fans came. After taking a selfie with the first fan, Mark noticed the crowd and told everyone to move to the side of the store so that no one would block the entrance. There, he talked to the fans and took more pictures. At one point, he squeezed your hand and looked at you, which you returned and let go. He looked at you often as you stood to the side, making sure you were alright. A few fans came up to you and asked about your relationship with Mark, took pictures and everything.

The crowd grew smaller until everyone left with a huge smile on their face. You walked towards Mark and stood beside him as you waved goodbye to the last person.

"Well, that was fun!" He smiled.

You nodded your head in agreement and was about to slip your hand into Mark's when you heard a cough from behind you.

You both turned around at the same time. A tall, skinny girl with long brown hair stood before you, smirking. Her attention was more on Mark.

"Hey, can I get a picture?" She asked, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"Uh, yeah! Sure,"

You stepped back a bit as they took a selfie together. After the picture, the girl didn't leave, though. Instead, she started flirting with Mark.

You felt a twinge of insecurity as she moved closer to him. There was no denying that the girl was beautiful; she looked like a model. You bit your lip as you watched them, mentally listing all your insecurities. 'My skin is so bad, my teeth are ugly, just like my smile, my stomach isn't flat-'

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a "bye!" and you watched her sashay away. Mark was immediately at your side and held your hand in his again before you started walking.

Your eyes stayed glued to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Mark asked, pulling you out of your thoughts once more.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," You replied.

You looked up at him and found him frowning.

"No you're not. What's wrong?"

At this point you stopped, conveniently right in front of an ice cream parlor.

"Its just," You started, running your fingers through your hair and looking everywhere but Mark's eyes.

"Every time we go out, or go to a convention, you always meet beautiful fans. There are so many girls out there who are way more prettier and-"

He cut you off by placing a finger on your lips. You looked up at him and his eyes softened, removing his finger.

"I would never look at anyone the way I look at you, Y/N. You are the most beautiful girl I've met. All your insecurities are things that make you, you. You are beautiful inside and out. I love you so much."

Your heart swelled with happiness as he finished his little speech. All you could think of was how lucky you were to have Mark.

"Thank you, Mark." You smiled, and he returned it.

"You're my lil squishy. Now c'mon, lets go get some ice cream!"

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