17; He talks about you in his sleep

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You were getting ready for bed. All you had to do was brush your teeth and you'd be set. On the other hand, Mark had been asleep for about 30 minutes already. He came back after a long day with Cyndago; and after eating a few Taki's, he passed out on the bed.

You placed your toothbrush back and walked back into the bedroom, closing the door behind you. You giggled at Mark's position. He was sprawled on the bed, lying on his stomach. His mouth was open and his glasses were still on. You walked over to the side of the bed, bent down and carefully removed his glasses. You set it on the bedside table and crawled into bed, pushing Mark to his side. You pulled the blanket over the both of you and turned off the lamp. It was cold in the room, so you hugged your body close to you and closed your eyes. You were just about to fall asleep until you heard Mark mumble.

"Mark?" You called softly, sitting up and turning the lamp on. More incoherent words tumbled out of his mouth, his brows furrowed. You just watched him, and soon enough the words became clearer.

"Yes.. I do love Y/N.." He muttered.

"What? No.. You can't take her away... She's mine.." He looked hurt, as if he was about to cry.

"Y/N, don't leave me,"

"Please... please don't... I love you.." He whispered as he shifted, facing the other side.

Feeling bad, you decided to wake him up. You shook him until he shot up, panting. He turned to you and hugged you tightly. His breathing became normal again and he released you.

"Are you okay?" You asked, concerned.

"I am now," He breathed.

"I thought you left me," He said, voice cracking.

You shook your head and motioned him over. He scooted closer to you and you placed your head on his shoulder, rubbing his back.

"I would never leave you," You whispered, and you heard him sigh in relief.

"Good. I would never leave you too, I love you too much to do that." He said, and you lifted your head to kiss him.

"Let's go to sleep, yeah?" He nodded and you switched off the lamp again, sliding under the covers. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close. His head rested on your shoulder and you could feel his hot breath tickle your ear.

"Good night, darling. I love you." He mumbled, sighing.

"Good night, Mark. I love you too." You replied, closing your eyes.

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