26; Shorts - Christmas Edition

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A/N: This isn't a full, one story imagine: instead, its a bunch of cute lil ideas that I got from tumblr! This one specifically is just Christmas themed. They're all short and stuff but I hope you still enjoy them :-) Have a great day! x

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

[person a seducing person b into taking a few steps back/backing them against the wall ("oh look, how did that mistletoe get right there????")]

The Christmas lights from the Christmas tree shone on the living room ceiling, giving it a rainbow glow. Mark sat in front of the fireplace with a mug of hot cocoa in his hand, holding his phone with the other. You just finished putting on these black knee socks that Mark bought you, and now you made your way to him, clearing your throat to catch his attention. He turned around, mouth agape as he placed his drink on the coffee table. Mark loved it when you showed off your legs; just you in shorts was enough to make his jaw drop.

You giggled. "Do you like it?" You asked, smiling innocently as you twirled.

He slowly got up, making his way over to you. With his cold fingers, he pushed away some stray strands from your face. You watched his eyes darken, and without a word, he started backing you up against the wall. His hands were on either side of your head, and his face grew closer and closer.

Just a few inches before your nose, he looked up, and smirked. Following his eyes, you saw a convenient mistletoe hanging above you.

"Oh, look, a mistletoe." He whispered, looking at you with a mischievous smile before roughly kissing you.

[i slipped on ice outside your house and you ran out barefoot to help me quick let's get inside under a blanket]

You were in the kitchen finding some snacks to eat when your phone suddenly vibrated from the counter. You picked it up and turned it on, seeing a text from Mark on the lockscreen.

Mark: I have a surprise for you! Look outside!

You smiled once you finished reading it and immediately walked to the window in the living room that showed your front lawn. Mark lived across from you, and ever since you moved in, he's been nothing but a sweetheart by showing you around the neighborhood and telling you what places to visit, where to eat, and everything helpful.

Looking out the window, you saw Mark standing across the street, waving his hand crazily with a huge grin on his face. You laughed and motioned him to come over. His face lit up and he walked- a little bit too fast for the slippery road. He slipped right outside your gate, and you rushed out of your house, forgetting your shoes in the process.

Barefoot, you hastily ran towards Mark, jumping at the cold steps.

"Mark! Are you okay?" You asked as you opened the gate and kneeled beside his fallen body.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He laughed, trying to sit up, before groaning and falling back down.

"You idiot," You sighed, grabbing his hands. "Come on, lets go inside. Its freezing out here!"

You pulled him up, wrapping one arm around his torso before you two made your way to your house. You ignored the feeling of your toes numbing and focused on Mark. Once you got in, you lead Mark to the couch, handing him a bunch of blankets that you used earlier.

"Thank you, Y/N. That was kinda embarrassing.." He laughed it off, looking down.

You cracked a smile. "No problem, just be more careful next time, okay?"

He nodded, smiling sheepishly.

"By the way... why did you drop by?" You asked, remembering the text he sent you.

"Oh, um.."

He started searching for something inside his coat, fumbling the item in his hands before stretching it out to you.

"Its your, um, Christmas present," He blushed, and you took it with wide eyes.

It was carefully wrapped with a cute design of little Christmas trees and cartoon baby deer.

"Wow, thank you so much!" You said happily, grinning at him.

His face lit up at your reaction before chuckling.

"I'm glad you like it, even if you don't know what it is."

"Its the thought alone that counts."

The two of you spent the rest of the day cuddled up in a blanket watching movies. It definitely wasn't the last time you two hung out.

[our christmas party turned into a tropical theme because the radiator is broken and it's hotter than hell in here - damn you look good without a shirt i never noticed before asgdhfjgkhl]

You were currently at your best friend's Christmas party. Normally, everyone would be dressed up in colorful scarves and badass boots, but the radiator is broken, which turned the house into an oven. Thankfully, only your closest friends came, otherwise it would've been way too hot to be having fun with a hundred other people.

You all received the text 30 minutes before the designated time for the party. The theme was changed into a Tropical Paradise, so here you were, in a red, spaghetti strap dress with a lacy floral pattern.

Despite the heat, Sean tried to cheer everyone up. It was slowly working, and you smiled at him for being so positive. Soon enough, the host came stomping down the stairs, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Hey, guys! Sorry for being late. Took me a while to find these swim trunks." He smiled.

Everyone began talking all at once. It was too chaotic to understand what the hell everyone was saying. The only thing you were focused on was Mark's shirtless body, which made your jaw drop. Sure, you've seen him shirtless before, but for some reason you've only realized now how good he looked. You quickly shut your mouth as you snapped out of your thoughts, knowing that you'll never hear the end of it if everyone found out you were gawking at Mark.

You went to the kitchen, grabbing a drink to distract yourself. Sean came in and you started a conversation, asking him about his girlfriend and her recent move in with him. You smiled as he talked about her, aww-ing at the way his face lit up, being a helpless romantic yourself.

An arm slung around your shoulder and you jumped at the sudden contact. You turned around to see Mark laughing at your reaction, and you just shook your head, smiling. Mark looked off to the side and yelled something, while Jack wiggled his eyebrows at you two. "No!" You mouthed, shaking your head once more. Jack just laughed, giving you a wave before leaving the room.

"You look really good." Mark commented, removing his arm and leaning against the wall.

"Thanks," You blushed. "Y-You look good as well."

He gave you a shy smile, pushing his hair back. You two talked about anything and everything, not leaving each other's side since then. Everyone could feel the chemistry between you, and when everyone left, you both felt it too, right before you fell asleep in each other's arms.

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