18; Soulmates

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A/N: This is not my idea. I actually read this from a 5SOS imagine hahaha. I found it very cute so I wanted to remake it with Mark. So credits to quotestyles for this amazing concept!

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You shot up from this unfamiliar bed, shaking the sleepiness off. You immediately notice the ringing of your alarm and quickly retrieve your phone from under the pillow to turn it off. Sunlight peeked through the slits of the silk curtains, giving the pristine room a soft glow. The cold air from the quiet buzzing aircon nipped at your bare arms. You always loved wearing big, loose shirts to bed. With eyes still partly closed, you pushed yourself of the bed and made your way to the bathroom, knowing that the cold water will help you wake up. Once you flipped on the light, you took one step inside and immediately retracted your foot when it met the freezing tiles. Thank god there was a fuzzy mat right in front of the sink, and that's where you stood, wiggling your toes.

You splashed your face with the cold water and found a small towel to dry off. You set the towel down and stared at your reflection. Usually, you would be picking out your flaws because that's what you always did when you came face to face with a mirror; but now the only thing you could think of was Today.

'Today, its today' You thought over and over, letting it sink in. After months of waiting, counting down, making up scenarios and dreaming- today was the day where you would finally meet your idols. You stared back at the big grin on your face, and instantly, your mind drifted off onto the same questions you ask yourself everyday, like it was some sort of habit or routine. When am I going to meet my soulmate?

The world was black and white. And of course, some gray colors were present. Every week you'd find yourself reading books or searching online about colors. The only way to get out of this monotone world is to make eye contact with your soulmate. Only then is when everything will come to life.

Everyday you'd think about it. You'd stand in front of your mirror in the morning, tracing your eyelids and cheeks with your fingertips, or run your soft fingers through your hair slowly, wondering another question you ask yourself a lot: What color could this be?

Snapping out of your thoughts, you realized that there was no time to waste and began to hastily run back and forth between the bathroom and your room- picking up articles of clothing and some accessories along the way. Once you started taking a shower, you started planning out your day; What to do first, where to go, what time is this event and everything. You included that your top priority was to meet Mark and the gang, since they were the reason you went to this convention anyway.

In about an hour and 5 minutes, you were making your rounds around the rooms just to make sure you had everything and looked decent enough before you left. You nodded to yourself when everything was set and proceeded to make your way down to the lobby and out of the hotel. Stopping at the edge of the curb, you called a taxi. As you sat in the backseat, bubbles of excitement erupted in your stomach and you tried your best to calm yourself down by looking out the window. You had always admired views and just pretty scenery, but now you were more focused on the people that were walking by. Some had intricate designs traced in various body parts, others had wicked fashion taste, and the rest were just blended in with the crowd. This amused and distracted until you reached your destination.

You pulled out some money from your little leather wallet and handed it to the driver, thanking him. He nodded his head, smiling, and you returned it before you stepped out. A gust of wind flew by, making your hair fly everywhere. 'Thank god I brought my hairbrush with me.' You thought as you brushed your hair out of your face. You looked around one last time before walking straight ahead and to where Mark would be. Soon enough, you found yourself in line among all the other fans who buzzed excitedly. You even started small conversations with the people behind you and in front of you. You were glad that waiting wouldn't be boring as these people kept you entertained. It was cool that Mark could bring people together and be the reason for so many friendships.

After about 45 minutes, people from the line started cheering and screaming, which meant that they had finally arrived. That same feeling in your gut came back and you smiled so hard your cheeks hurt.

Mark's voice projected throughout the wide corridor but all you heard was your heart beating in your ears. The line started moving and some girls a few steps back squealed.

You fiddled with the paper bag in your hands, rehearsing everything you wanted to say to them in your head. As the line moved forward, your eyes stayed on the floor, examining the white marble with light traces of gray. You were quite far from where Mark was, and you could tiptoe to get a glance, but you decided not to.

Your hands got sweatier the closer you got. Within a few minutes, you were face to face with an energetic Irish man.

You squeezed your phone with your right hand, and the other held Mark's gift. Jack laughed as you two spoke and you leaned in to take a picture together since a table was in between you guys. Before you moved on to the next guy, he pulled you in for a hug and said, "Stay awesome!" when you pulled away.

Wade and Bob were nowhere to be seen, unfortunately. So that meant the next person you were meeting was Mark.

As you approached him, your heartbeat quickened. You told yourself to calm down and be cool. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Don't blow it!

The line was moving slowly, so you stood there awkwardly while you waited for this couple to finish talking to Mark. They said their goodbyes and Mark placed their gift under the table, along with a few other trinkets.

"Hi," You said shyly.

Mark looked up, but instead of seeing the pair of dark grey eyes you've seen everyday in his videos, you were greeted by a pair of big, brown ones.

You gasped, and his jaw dropped in shock. The colors spread through his body and eventually made its way onto the floor, the ceilings, and even the long table which was now a royal blue.

But you paid no attention to your new, vivid surroundings. Your eyes bore into Mark's, and you swear you saw a little shine in them. He let out a breath and gave you a small smile.

"Hello, soulmate."

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I feel like I've dragged this on too much, so sorry about that. But, its my longest imagine so far, so there's that. Getting back into this is harder than I thought. It took me about 2 days to finish this. I apologize once again for my slow updating. Please bear with me. Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you have a great day. x

P.S If you don't understand, in this alternate universe, everyone views the world in black, white, and sometimes gray. The only way to see colors is to lock eyes with your soulmates, and in this story, happened when you met Mark, which is why your environments bursted into color and life once you looked into his eyes.

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