13; He's drunk and he confesses his love for you

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The front door opened and Mark came stumbling in. You turned your head from the tv and saw him in his drunk state. He looked over to you and smiled. He took a step towards you and nearly fell, but you rushed to him just in time. You knew Mark would be drunk when he announced that he was going to be spending time with Bob and Wade, and you were prepared for it. You knew what would make him better since this wasn't the first time its happened, so you had painkillers, water, and Mark's favorite blanket. You'd always tease Mark about his blanket, and he'd just roll his eyes and say "Whatever". It was cute to say the least, he could never sleep well without it.

You wrapped your arms around Mark's torso, stopping him from falling.

"Mark," You grunted, kneeling on the floor since his weight was heavier than yours. He regained his balance and stood up, walking over to the couch with his hand in yours. He sat down and pulled you onto him, burying his head in your neck. You giggled as you felt his stubble, it tickled. 'Just friends,' You thought. 'That's all you'd ever be.'

"Thank you for taking care of me. I don't know what I'd do without you," Mark mumbled. You slid out of his lap, sitting beside him. He looked at you and smiled. You patted his head.

"That's what friends are for," You said, turning your attention back to the show you were watching.

After a few minuted of silence, Mark placed his head on your shoulder and began to speak.

"Do you know this girl named Y/N?" He started, and you lowered down the volume and stared at him. His eyes were closed and his mouth was in a firm line.

"She's beautiful," He whispered. You blushed. 'He probably didn't mean it. He's drunk,' you thought.

"And she's really kind. And funny. She always knows how to make my day and she takes care of me when I'm drunk. She's seen sides of me that I don't show that often, and she still stays." He continued, sighing.

"She knows all of my secrets, except one,"

You raised your brow at this. What was it?

"And what is that?" You asked quietly, unsure if he heard you.

"I'm in love with her," He answered, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Your eyes widened.

"I'm in love with her," He repeated, looking at you. His brows were furrowed and he looked so vulnerable at that moment. You just wanted to kiss him then and there, but you knew that he'd forget it in the morning. You wanted your first kiss with him to be more memorable.

"Don't tell her, okay?" He told you, his voice serious. You nodded.

"I won't."

"Pinkie promise?" He held out his pinkie and you locked it with yours.

"Pinkie promise."

He smiled and laid his head on your lap, falling asleep in an instant.

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