24; First argument

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This one was requested and dedicated to DreamerBabyxo :-) I hope this is okay!! (Sorry for the long wait!)

* . ⋆・゚。 . ・゚˚ . · · ✧

You stood outside of Mark's recording room and pressed your ear against the door. You heard a muffled, "And I'll see you... in the next video. Bye bye!", before quickly returning to your standing position. 'Perfect.' You thought.

Lately, Mark has been working longer and making more and more videos. You could even consider him a workaholic at this point by the amount of time he spends inside his room, yelling and editing. Of course, it was great that he was active, and you're sure the fans are very pleased. The only problem is that you two haven't spent that much time together for the past 2 weeks.

You had school/work and came back home late. Sometimes, Mark would take you out because he'd be done with his videos for that day. And ever since he started working like crazy, he'd be too tired by the time you got home and would even be asleep already. So, you've decided to talk to him about it, maybe convince him to take a short break. It didn't have to be a 3 week vacation; you just wanted to actually have a good, long conversation and spend time together.

You knocked on the door, going inside once Mark said, "Come in!".

"Hey, babe," He greeted happily, being in a noticeably good mood.

"Hey, Mark," You replied, bending down a bit to look at Mark's screen.

"Whatcha up to?" You asked, even thought the answer was obvious.

"Just editing," He replied, humming softly as he worked.

"Did you need anything?" He asked, stopping to turn in his chair and look at you.

Well, it was now or never.

"Um, I noticed that you've been working a lot and making more videos and-"

"Oh, yeah! Well, there's been tons of new games coming out and a lot of them look really cool. The fans have been..." He rambled on and on.

"Mark? I wasn't finished yet," You said.

"Oh, right. Sorry, go on," He stopped, giving you a small smile.

"Well.. It's great that you've been making a lot of videos," You started, and he nodded at you to go on.

"I just think that maybe you could take a short break? It doesn't have to be a 3 week vacation or anything," You continued, staring at him for a reaction.

He furrowed his brows. "What for?"

"We haven't been able to spend time together, Mark. I'd come home and most of the time you'd be asleep already!"

"What are you talking about, Y/N? We spend so much time together! We LIVE together!" He argued, getting off of his chair. He stood in front of you and crossed his arms, a frustrated face beginning to form.

"We live together but we're not even talking! I can't remember the last time I've had a full conversation with you instead of 5 words," You said, feeling more sad than angry or upset.

"You're working too hard, Mark. You make 3 videos a day!"

"Me? Working too hard? What about you?! You come home late at night!" He fought back.

"I come home late because I have tons of stuff to do and that's when I finish! You don't have to make 3 videos every day!"

"What about the fans? I need to make videos to make them happy! That's my job!"

"The fans, Mark? Even the fans are telling you to take a break! I'm sure they're glad that you upload so many videos but they also want you to enjoy your life!"

"Maybe I'm not enjoying my life!" He yelled.

Your frustration faded and was replaced with hurt. Is this why he was working so much? Because he didn't enjoy being with you?

"W-what?" You breathed out.

Mark realized what he said and his expression changed to a regretful one.

"No! Y/N, that's not what I meant!" He said.

"Forget it, Mark. Sorry for asking." You said coldly before turning to walk out of the room.

You never wanted it to turn into that, nor did you expect your first argument to be that intense. At least you two weren't full on screaming or throwing things everywhere.

You walked into your shared bedroom and sat at the edge of your bed, running your fingers through your hair. What did Mark mean by that? Were you doing something wrong? Millions of thoughts and scenarios danced around in your head, making you sigh deeply.

You climbed onto the bed and plugged your earphones in to try and get your mind off everything.

A few songs later, the bed dipped and someone pulled one of your earphones out. Startled, you turned around to find Mark, who gave you a small smile. Before you could open your mouth to say something, he shushed you, pulling your other earphone out and setting it to the side before pulling you into him. Your head was on his chest while he wrapped his arms around you, drawing circles on your back.

Just as you were about to fall asleep, Mark placed you gently back on the bed and left, closing the door quietly. You heard him go into his studio, and 10 minutes later, his muffled voice came through the wall;

"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to.."

Sighing once more, you turned to face the wall, before drifting off to sleep.

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