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Abomination 2x04▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃

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Abomination 2x04

𝗙𝗿𝗲𝘆𝗮 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 of the day normal. She went to classes and didn't pay any attention, ate a total of five dorito chips at lunch much to Stiles and Allison's displeasure. She had sat with Stiles at lunch. Allison sat behind scott at another table trying to talk to him about their plan tonight which Stiles had filled the auburn haired girl in on, they were looking for a bestiary. Gerard did indeed have a bestiary but he only held on for the Argents and Freya had never seen or, the Allard's had their own which proved to be far more extensive than the Argents but Freya sat back and watched the three plan a way to get into Gerard's office.

• • •

Sitting on the bench with Stiles the game had started and let's just say the Beacon Hills Cyclones were getting our ass beat. Freya and Stiles both winched simultaneously as they watched one of the players on their team get slammed into the ground.

"Oh come on! Is that even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certificate" Coach yelled out as he sat down on the bench.

Freya wrapped her arms around her body trying to keep warm. "Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong." Coach questioned, his hot breath mixing with the cold air making it fog.

"Eddie Obomowitz, coach they call him 'the abomination'" Stiles informed him letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh that's cute." Coach Finnstock mumbled walking away to yell at Greenberg making the Allard girl smile. Allison gave Stiles the signal to Stiles who snatched Freya's arm pulling her up and walking past Allison who subtly handed them to Stiles.

Stiles and Freya were about to walk into the school when they spotted Lydia crying in her car. Stiles looked hesitant to leave. "Go, I can handle this for a few minutes." Freya sighed as he smiled.

"I love you." He yelled before handing me the keys and rushing off.

After a few minutes Stiles rushed into the office. "I've looked through every drawer and I can't freaking find it!" I spoke to him while Stiles pulled out his phone to text Allison.

Erica showed up in the doorway out of nowhere "If it isn't my favorite blonde." Freya remarked sarcastically, Erica smirked before grabbing the hunters arm and Stiles ear, she pulled both harshly, Freya allowed her to knowing if she wanted Erica to let go of her she could make her.

"Oh you are so lucky I like you." Freya muttered.

"I like you as well, kitten." Butterflies exploded in Freya's stomach.

Entering the pool room Derek stood next to one of the pools with a basketball in hand. "Derek." Stiles greeted annoyed.

"What did you see at the mechanic's garage?" Derek questioned cutting to the chase.

"uh, several alarming EPA violations that im seriously considering reporting." Derek extended his claws picturing the ball making it deflect.

Derek was now paralyzed and in the pool, Stiles and Freya held him up for about Half an hour. They had tried Scott who just hung up in Stiles' face.

Freya's limbs burned along with her lungs treading water while trying to hold up an almost two hundred pure muscle werewolf who was paralyzed was exhausting. "Stiles- i-i i don't know how much longer i can stay up." Some water found its way into her mouth, stiles started to mumble something but Freya was too busy telling herself to stay above water to listen.

"You think you can make it over to the handicap chair." He tilted his head in the direction of the chair which was on the opposite end of the pool, nodding Freya began to swim with Stiles she had almost made when her whole body gave out and she felt the water fall over her face, accepting her fate Freya stopped flailing her arms and just before she let the darkness fall over her and hand pulled her out of the water.

Coughing harshly some water came out of her mouth rolling over onto her stomach she sighed before letting herself fall asleep.

• • •

Freya jumped awake when she felt herself being placed on her bed shooting her eyes open as she saw Stiles. "Thank you." she mumbled to him before closing her eyes.

Hearing her door close Freya pulled herself up pulling off her wet clothes and throwing on some dry ones before heading to bed. Just as she was about to fall asleep she heard her phone ring, groaning. She picked up the phone without looking at the caller Id. "Hello" Her voice came out horsed.

"Oh thank god! Scott told me what happened, and-and I just needed to hear your voice to make sure you were okay." Allison's voice rushed down the phone.

"Ali, I'm fine." The nickname slipped out unintentionally.

''C-can i come over, i think we really need to talk." Freya fought with herself just wanting to be near Allison right now.

"I-I don't know if that's a good idea Ali, I don't feel good and all I want to do is sleep." Freya's voice was drowsy.

"Yeah-yeah no of course how about tomorrow after school." Freya screwed her eyes together. "Yeah, sure."

Freya went to sleep that night, not a restful sleep but the sleep where you wake up feeling more exhausted than when you went to sleep.

𝗚𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗠𝗲 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲, 𝖠𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖠𝗋𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗍Where stories live. Discover now