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Merry Christmas :)

Today is Christmas and I am writing this at midnight, scrolling through tiktok because why not? We just ate donut and drank coffee, our family made a tiktok video and as the clock strike at twelve, I just felt nothing. You know? Even thought I was the first one to shouted that it's already Christmas, I never felt the excitement like before. (of course, except when receiving money) Maybe I matured? Nah. I'm still that nosy kid. Maybe not that childish anymore but moving on!

As I was saying, I'm scrolling through tiktok. And I passed maybe 3 or 4 videos of people captioning "Watching complete families happily celebrate Christmas."

And I'm just like... guilt. Fucking guilty. Like I'm not the best person there is and there are others there that much deserved to live happily, and I'm here... being worthless. I feel guilty of my feelings. Like, should I be happy or sad because there are other people who's experiencing deep things on the other side, you know what I mean?



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