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Second to The last Chapter 🥺🥺🥺

Warning ⚠️: Rated 🔞

Skip to the second part of the chapter if you're not comfortable with it.



"Fejiro, what is it?"

Fejiro's palms suddenly became sweaty. He was nervous as hell. He remained mute, trying his best to compose himself before speaking. I turned to face him after a while due to his lingering silence.

"You said you wanted to talk. Why are you suddenly quiet?" I smirked. The way my eyes peered at him made him even more nervous.

"Ajay, I..I..." He took a deep breath and then walked two steps closer to me, "Look, Ajay, I'm sorry okay? I really am."

"For what?"

"For..for everything. For yelling at you and for being a jerk."

"Is that all?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Uhmm...." He wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers and took another deep breath, "And for any other thing I can't remember."

I peered at him for sometime before walking to sit on the well arranged king sized bed in the room. The alcohol I took earlier was beginning to seep into my intracellular space and I was finding it difficult to stand properly.

"You can leave now. I've heard everything you've said."

"Why are you running away? Like why the f*ck are you running away from me, from us, from your feelings for me?" Fejiro left me, once again, shocked at his spontaneous boldness.

"I..I.. I'm not." I found myself stammering. He was saying the truth. I wanted to run away again.

"Is it because of that dude? Is he your new plaything?" Fejiro's voice climbed four tones ahead. He was yelling and the scorn in his voice was so obvious.

"What are you say...." I attempted to defend but Fejiro's straight voice cut me short.

"Did you sleep with him?" I said nothing, "Tell me, did you sleep with him?"

I felt like he was judging me and I hated it. I stood up and walked towards him, staring deep into his eyes, "And if I did?"

Fejiro took dangerous steps towards me, his intense gaze on me. With each step he took forward, I took two steps backward until I found myself trapped between him and the wall. Fejiro moved closer and caged me with his two hands. My gaze faltered. I looked away.

"Then tell me," he held me by my jaw and brought my face to look at him, I looked at my feet instead.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, Ajay," he commanded and my eyes fluttered open, right back to meet his almost immediately. His pupils were dilated, brown and clouded with lust and it sent waves straight to my core "Ajay, tell me. Did you enjoy it?"

"Y..Y..Yes.. bu..but"

Fejiro's eyes roamed my perfectly sculpted body which was adequately exposed in the red dinner grown I was wearing and the image of another man having something to do with it was driving him crazy. He groaned in annoyance, "Where did he touch you? Show me." I stared at him like he had gone crazy but his eyes remained glued to mine intently. He was damn serious.

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