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Rich father,
Rich daughter....
As simple as that


Hi guys, My name is Ajay, as in AJ.. however you feel you can understand it better. You might be wondering what kinda name that is. Well, my parents named me Amarachi Jessica. To cut the chase, I initialized it. So yes, AJay.

And I'm a vlogger. I actually said that right. You know, this video blog thingy on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram? Ya, that's practically what I do for a living. I meet up with artists, influencers, comedians..., and the likes of them. I interview them, you know, have a chit chat with them and sometimes, on my viewers requests, I ask them to sing or play some games on screen.

And well, I get paid for the watch hours and ads. And trust me, I have a whole cluster of subscribers!

Two days ago.....

"Korede, I can't believe you're finally live on Ajay's vlog." He gave me a small smile and nodded his head. I couldn't help but smile back helplessly.

"Okay. So considering the way girls go crazy when they see you, do you really think you can get married to only one woman?"

He laughed, so hard that I found myself laughing too.

"Uhmm...okayy, that was totally unexpected. Well, yeah, maybe, just maybe it may happen or it may not happen. Personally, I don't think the idea of polygamy is bad. It might be an experience I might wanna try."

I just continued smiling, nodding my head like an agama lizard at whatever he was saying to prove to my viewers that I understood clearly, the trash he was saying.

But the heck! I was totally confused. Like is he saying yes or no bikonu?

"So if I feel like I can, why not?" He continued,"I might wanna make it a set of complete players, maybe ten or eleven"

"Oh wow! You're the man," I blurted out in my confused state. Honestly, I didn't know what else to say again.
~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~

🎶If you give me chop I no go run,
If you give me chop, I no go talk
If you give me chop, I no go rush am
I'll take my time, yeah, yeah🎶

Hehe! That's what I mean. So, even high profiled artists like Korede Bello, sing on my shows. And for those that don't know the song that just played a few minutes ago, it's the one and only Micasa Sucasa by my celebrity crush Korede Bello!

Yeah, I'm so in looove with him!

Those that know him very well will agree with me that he's the best definition of hot, sexy, handsome,........

But for some reason, I never wake up on time for most of my interviews.

Two days ago.....

I yawned and stretched lazily, using one of my hands to search for my phone on the couch which I was lying on. Immediately I found it, I pressed the side power button and..

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath after glancing at the '1:58pm' boldly displayed on my home screen. I had an interview with the almighty Korede by two freaking PM!!

I stood up immediately and looked around.

Jeez! I did it again!

The living room was in a mess. Bottles of different types of alcoholic wine lay scattered on the center table, on the stools and even on the floor. Some of the tiny left over content, dripping from the bottles to the ground. Those red disposable cups didn't miss out in the fun. They were scattered everywhere.

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