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The day ended, and Narancia got his McDonald's. Mista and him were heading out of their finished classes.

"Wanna come with me to the café? My shift's only for 3 hours." Guido asked the small boy, who nodded immediately

"Sure! I can do my assignments there then."

The sun was setting, the two guys got in Guido's vehicle, now heading their way to the café.

Unbeknownst to the driving man, Giorno was out of his shift early today, they're usually done by 10 in the evening, but today was different.


Giorno was sat in his usual spot by the window, sketchbook on his lap, letting his hand do its' thing, he would look up from time to time, careful not to let his neck strain.

This time he was so focused on his paper, he didn't bother looking up, only hearing jingle of the bells, someone entered, he thought.

"Hey there!" a voice said.

It was impossible not to look up, for Giorno was startled and curious.

"Hey . . ." the blonde trailed off with a smile, offering the seat in front of him.

The small boy thanked him and sat down, settling his school bag on the floor.

They were silent for a few minutes, it was kinda awkward but chill nonetheless, the cold air blowing from the air-conditioner, Narancia was scanning through his notes, writing on his papers when he found what he was looking for.


"Yes?" Giorno looked up, setting his pencil on his ear as he analyzed his sketch.

"You work at McDonald's, right?" Narancia was hesitant at first, but he saw the blonde nod.

"Yeah, you're friends with Mista, right?" it was his turn to ask.

"Yeah! I accompanied him here because it's his shift."

Speaking of the devil, said man walks out  from the back and to the counter, his white long sleeves rolled up to his arm, tight as his muscles flexed.

He had his front first 2 buttons unclasped, letting him breathe from the tight confinements of his uniform.

Giorno unintentionally stared, resting his chin on his palm, completely unaware of his actions.

It was then when Guido looked at their direction, locking eyes with Giorno, who quickly averted his gaze away and grabbed his pencil from his ear and shifted on his seat.

Narancia was oblivious to this, only waving to the man on the counter, who waved back too.

"Should we order? I wanna order, do you want any?" the small boy stood up as he asked, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket.

"I'm okay, I'm not really hungry." the blonde politely declined, only watching the other boy pull out cash.

"I'll buy you a drink anyways, my treat don't worry, coffee?"

"Sure, thank you by the way, you didn't have to, really."

Free drinks alright, let's go. the blonde punched the air in his mind, why say no to free drinks?


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