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It was now Thursday, the chain busy as ever, people go drive thru or just on the counter.

It got busier when lunch came, students from uni rushing in to get in line first.

Fugo was helping on the counter, also eyeing for a particular boy.

It was taking a while so he stopped searching, focusing instead of looking, until a familiar voice surfaced through the crowd, and there, at the entrance, a small boy and the usual guy in crop top, laughing not-really quietly, but people could care less and minded their own businesses.

The line moved quickly, and it was now their turn.

"Oh? You work here!" Narancia exclaimed, surprised to see the guy who crashed into him work here.

"Surprise . . . ?" Fugo offered an awkward smile.

"Surprise indeed!" Narancia had this stupid look on his face, the fact not rlly sinking in.

"You know him Narancia?" Guido asked, arms crossed as he put his whole weight on his right leg.

"Yeah long story, I'll tell you later." the small boy hurriedly said and looked at the menu.

He picked his thing and Fugo nodded, punching in the orders, and since it was on Fugo, Narancia didn't pay, instead just stepped and let Guido have his turn.

Sadly, the dark-eyed guy had to pay, receiving
the tray full of both their orders, Narancia found a spot while waiting for their orders so they didn't have to search now, settling on their seats, Guido urged Narancia to spill the tea about what happened.

"You got into an accident?! Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay?!" Mista choked on his BigMc, quickly gulping his coke.

Narancia chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm okay, it was a minor accident, nothing to worry about, really. Besides, I got my McDonald's now."

"So you got into an accident, and instead of letting him pay a good amount, you wanted McDonald's?" Mista had this judging look on his face as he grabbed a fry.

"Yeah? I mean, I don't really want money, and I was hungry that time, food was all I can think about." Ghirga sheepishly smiled, scratching his cheek.

"Where did you go anyways, I was looking for you that night." the dark-haired asked, dipping a scoop of his sundae.

"I went out for a project, I thought you were asleep."

"A project? That late?" Mista asked

"And, I was asleep, but I woke up, your couch was uncomfortable and you weren't anywhere." he added

"Sorry 'bout that."


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