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Bruno smiled at Trish, reassuring her that he was alright.

The night goes on with asking and answering questions, constant teasing with one another, and drinking of beverages. It was now around 01:20, they were now standing up, ready to leave, a drunk Abbacchio on Bruno's shoulder who was sober together with Giorno, and a tipsy Trish and Fugo.

"How do we do this Giorno?" Bruno asked, worried for their friends.

"I have no idea where Abbacchio lives, so I think just bring him home with you?" Giorno suggested, a pink shade dusted on Bruno's cheek.

This didn't go unnoticed to the blonde, as he chuckled and added.

"C'mon Manager, I know you like him."

"I mean  . . . He doesn't look bad, so I guess?"

Giorno snickered.

"You can try waking him up, or just bring him home, I'll take Trish and Fugo to my place, I'm sure they can't handle the hangover in the morning." Giorno shook his head, looking at the two who were half awake on both his shoulders.

The weight on Giorno's shoulder doubled, both now unconscious.

"And they're out."

"Alright, let's get going, these guys are heavy." The blonde announced, dragging the two to his car.

"Wait." Giorno said as he finished placing the two in the back.

"Hmm?" Bruno hummed, turning his attention to the blonde.

"Can you manage letting a drunk guy ride on a motorcycle? I mean, there's a big possibility he'll fall." He said, eyeing at the also unconscious man on Bruno's back.

"Shoot you're right, what're you suggesting?" The raven asked.

"Take Fugo's car, I'm sure he won't mind." Giorno suggested, reaching to the said man, digging in his pockets for the car keys.

"You sure?"

"Mhmm don't worry, I'll tell him." The blonde said, giving the keys and waving to his manager before going in the driver's seat and starting the car.

As he backed the car, he opened the windows and winked at Bruno, saying "Have fun." Bruno blushed again, madly this time. The blonde now closed his windows, honking twice for his final farewell for the night.

It was now Bruno and Abbacchio left in the parking space, the raven grunting as he struggled to hold on the goth's weight, opening the front seat, setting the man their, buckling his seatbelt on. Bruno sighed as he closed the door, now making his way to the driver's seat, as he started the car, he glanced at the man beside him, taking in his features.

Now that the man was unconscious, Bruno could see the softness of his skin, eyebrows just as light as his hair, lips now bare as his lipstick was wiped off.

Bruno sighed for the second time, now backing the car to head home.


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