Ch 1- Lili is back from the States, ya'll!

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Jennie POV~

"Lisa, I'm so mad at you! why are you telling me this now?" I sighed over the phone. I heard a giggle from the other side, and felt happy and angry at the same time. 

"Chill, Jen. You can still pick me up tomorrow! Oh, wait it will be day after tomorrow by the time I reach there," my cousin answered.

"Got it, Ms. Expert in Geography. Be ready for some gamjatang!" I answered.
I knew her craziness for that.
"You better keep it ready, sis!" she laughed as we hung up.

Lalisa, is my cousin and she had moved to the States way back in 1st grade. She is finally moving back after 14 years! Okay, I did meet her some years back, but that was only for a week.... I still wanted to kill her for she had not informed me about it beforehand. 

Like seriously, her flight is tomorrow and she informed it to me today?

Nevertheless, I skipped around like a happy hare and went to find my mom. 

"Very happy about Lisa coming, right?" my mom guessed. Was my smile that bright?

"Yes mom" I replied "They are going to stay with us till our summer break, it's so cool!! And after that, she is going to stay in a house nearby!" 

My father looked at me, chuckling "In your excitement, you talk even faster, don't you?"
I sheepishly smiled. 

"I get it dear, you are very excited about Lisa coming. Now help me with the dinner will you?" my mom asked, smiling. I nodded and went to wash the vegetables.


Lisa POV~

I am finally going back to South Korea! I last met Jennie Unnie way back in 5th grade, when she had come here. But that was only for a week. I hope I can adjust there, and avoid mixing with the wrong people.....

On the plane, I could see the clouds fading away as the buildings of SK became clearer. My father leaned against my shoulder "Are you excited to finally be back in Korea, Lili?" he asked in Thai.

 Only my family and friends call me Lili, no one else dares to. 

"Yes, phaw. Super excited." 

[A/N: My Thai friend told me that he calls his dad 'phaw' so that's what I wrote.]

I saw my mother smiling at me and smiled back, my face clearly showing my excitement.

As soon as we got our luggage from the luggage belt, I rushed out. I scanned through the crowd looking for my sister. 

A girl was jumping up and down from the back. Yep that's Jennie.

I made my way through the crowd and hugged her. We did our little dance which we did since we were kids, it's a precious stunt for us. I could feel some people staring at us, while our parents just smiled. 

I could see my mother and Jennie's father talking. A lot. Aah, just sibling talk.....

As we got out of the car, we saw two girls standing in front of the gate. As Jennie got down, she saw them. I almost had a heart attack when Jennie shouted at the top of her lungs "LILI IS BACK FROM THE STATES, YA'LL!"

The girl with brown hair laughed and said "We get it Jen. Calm down." She was about to say something else when imo asked the two girls to come inside the house. 

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