Ch 11- Project Problem

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Rosé POV~

As I walked to the public library, I got a call from someone.


After she said 'that' that day, I have kinda been feeling bad about it. I mean, how would you feel if you get to know that your best friend likes your crush?

Nevertheless, we have been on good terms and I often tease her about Jimin. I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine, as long as she doesn't know that I like Jimin, too.

"Hey Seul!"
"Chae, what are you doing?"
"Meeting up with my partner. We have a project to do."
"Oh same! I'm actually with him right now. What model have you chosen?"
"Our chapter is Atomic Models. We still have to discuss"
"Lucky. Our chapter is molecular models."
"I guess."
"Anyways, bye. We still need to chose our project theme! 😌"
"Okay, Bye Seulgi...."

I walked into the public library and saw Jimin waving at me.

Well, he did show up. I was expecting him not to.

"So, which model do you want us to do?" he asked, as I sat down. After thinking for some time, I answered "Bohr's atomic model?"

Jimin shook his head. "I think Yoongi is doing that." Raising my one eyebrow I asked, "How do you know that?"

"Ummm... We are friends, you know? Plus his project partner is too loud, and she was yelling at him about their project."

"Uh, his project partner is my friend, JENNIE. Give her some respect."

"Oh okay. Now tell me what we are going to do" he instructed, impatiently. "Why don't you give me some ideas?" I countered back.

The shorty in front of me leaned back on his chair and started thinking. I skimmed through the chemistry books, wondering about the right project to select.

Just two minutes later, I heard a crash.

Great, so this guy still can't manage his clumsiness.

Jimin rubbed his head and got up from the floor. He steadied the chair and bowed low, showing that he was sorry to all the people at the library.

I feel jealous of the floor. 

Why doesn't Jimin fall on/for me?

My hands reached the pen holder to grab a highlighter, when my hands brushed against another soft hand

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My hands reached the pen holder to grab a highlighter, when my hands brushed against another soft hand. 


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