Ch 23- Snakes

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Jungkook POV~

I still don't get why I had to follow that dumb fuck when he rejects the 57th girl who confesses to him.

Wait, is it 59th? Um... I don't know. 

I waited with the camera behind the bushes, while Jimin and Seulgi neared it. 

Now's the moment.

"Um... Jimin? I have something to tell you...."

Go on.

My eyes travelled from the two to four girls who were heading towards the exit. And wait, were they BLACKPINK?

Yeah, so what if they are, Jungkook?
Oil your own machine.

As much as I love poking my nose into other's businesses, especially if it's Blackpink's, I had to get this stupid video done with.

But unfortunately, I kept my eyes on the girls and whoa! That girl with bangs is deffo Lisa!

Why is she carrying shopping bags though-
I thought she hated shopping.

I diverted my attention to Seulgi and Jimin, and judging from her expression, she was about to confess.

"Jimin-sshi, I really li-"

Holy motherfucking shit!

I just saw someone dragging Lisa away!

Forget about recording videos when a girl is literally getting kidnapped or something even worse.

I ran like crazy shit to the tree and slowered down to soft tip-toes, as I neared them.

I hid behind one of the bushes, and heard what the man was saying.
I had to make sure it was not some dumb prank.

As the man who had dragged Lisa way, removed his mask, my eyes widened.

Not with shock, but with the surprise of how low he could stoop to.

I grabbed a stone and pelted it at him.

"Who the hell- JUNGKOOK?!"

Lisa seized the opportunity and bit his hand hard, as he yapped in pain. She brushed off her hair like nothing really happened.

"There are three type of exes. One is the good one, the other is toxic one. And the third one is people like you, Sehun."

The idiot came charging like a mad bull, but I came in between him and Lisa and punched him hard on his face.

He went flying (not literally flying, but you get it) and hit his head hard on a stone, which caused him to black out.

"That's it. He has gone too far. I'm calling the police, whether you like it or not, Lili," said a familiar voice, from behind.

We turned to see Jennie and the rest of Blackpink there.

Good. You better do that, fast.

"Jen! Why are you here? Listen, no need to involve police into these matters and all. He-" Her cousin cut Lisa off,
"You had our shopping bags with you. And I don't care if you like it or not, but this is sexual assault and kidnapping attempt. He will survive a good 5 years in jail, because of this."

REVENGE of the EXes || A Liskook Fanfiction||Where stories live. Discover now