Ch 10- Fry his dick

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Jungkook POV~

I stared at the girl in disgust.
Which was weird, considering I liked her. 

I peeked from behind the tree to see if those students had gone, and then let go of Lisa. Then, I turned towards her and asked "What chemistry are you talking about Eunha?"

Lisa scoffed at the girl. "Why are you even here? Don't you have a class to attend?"
Eunha looked at her with an irritated expression on her face.

"The irony," she said, rolling her eyes.

Looking towards me, Eunha saw Lisa still holding my hands. She immediately grabbed her hand and jerked it away.

Soon after, she started yelling at her. "Listen you no-nonsense idiot, Jungkook is mine. So don't ever think of coming close to him, you get that? Plus, I guarantee you he will never like you."

Hers? I may like her but I ain't no one's possession.
And I thought she used me because I was popular!

Knowing Lisa, she would probably give her an answer which would shut her mouth. Lisa put her hands in her pockets and scanned me from top to bottom. 
I kinda flinched but who cares? 

I wanna see how this is going to turn out.

Eunha then went ballistic. "Where do you think you are looking at?" she yelled at Lisa. She just shrugged.

"Nothing. Was just checking if there was a name tag of yours written on him" she paused "And since it's not, he's not your POSSESSION! And, I hate this jerk boyfriend of yours, anyways....."

Excuse me?

The other girl sneered at her and was about to attack Lisa, when she calmed herself. "I wouldn't wanna waste my time with some annoying idiot." Lisa smirked "I already wasted my time talking with you, didn't I?"

I don't know why, but it felt so good to see two girls fighting over me.

Lisa then abruptly grabbed Eunha by her arm and shoved her towards me. "Go ahead and carry out a make-out session. Just make sure no one is watching you, you losers!"
What the fuck just happened?

[A/N: So cringe, I hate myself]

Lisa POV~

That Eunha was being such a bitch. Why would she even think that I liked Jungkook? He is so annoying, which makes sense, because he likes someone on the same level as him.

And what was with all these skin-ships? And chemistry? What chemistry?

I froze at my spot. Chemistry..........
We had a freaking project together! My thoughts went completely disoriented.

Checking my watch, I realized there was still 20 minutes for the class to end. Of course, not wanting to be caught, I walked straight to the girl's washroom and locked myself in a stall.

Playing video games was far better than worrying about Jungkook's love life, when he had absolutely nothing do with me.
Plus Eunha means a lot to him, atleast more than me.

As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out the next elective class. I had chosen dance, of course. And to my utter good luck, Sehun was in that class.
Which was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.

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