Ch 16- Mission Impossible

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Author POV~

Bambam was having the best thoughts of his life when his project-partner Seulgi ran upto him. "Did you prepare on what to say?" she questioned, disrupting his thoughts.

"Um... Yeah? I think."

"Bambam please take this seriously. My marks matter on this" Seulgi huffed. "So does mine!" he countered. "Well, you don't care about it. While I do."

Thankfully, the bickering between the two was stopped by an interruption by Seulgi's new-found friend, Chaeyoung.

"Seulgi! I have something you will absolutely love!" she said in a sing-song voice. Seulgi ran over to her, while making sure to give a i-will-deal-with-you-later look to Bambam.

 Seulgi ran over to her, while making sure to give a i-will-deal-with-you-later look to Bambam

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Rosé played a video of some cute brown bears and she could see her friend's face getting all cute over it. "I lost all my UwUs," Seulgi joked "but thanks Chae! This video lit my morning up!"

As the two girls were still talking and giggling about the cute brown bears, a shorty walked up to them.

"Chaeyoung!" he began, garnering the attention of the two girls "Where do you want to meet up today?"

Rosé thought for a while and suggested to meet up at the same place. The shorty smiled and nodded, before walking away.

Seulgi looked at her friends in utter surprise and shock. "Y-you are g-going out w-with Jimin?" Rosé looked at her with equal shock. 
And she was blushing as red as cherries.

"Girl, what are you talking about?" she asked.

"Jimin asked you to meet up right? Like for wha-" Rosé immediately cut off Seulgi, hoping to clear the tiny misconception. "We are project-partners Seulgi. Nothing more, nothing less."

Seulgi immediately regretted doubting her best friend. Her eyebrows dropped down and she bowed low, apologizing to Rosé. 

"I'm so sorry for doubting you, Chae. I'm so sorry."

Chaeyoung started giggling at how a tiny misconception flustered her friend. "Chill Seul. It happens. Let's go to class now. Wouldn't want to end up in detention, now, would we?"

Seulgi nodded as she chuckled. 
A part of her heart felt so glad to bump into this amazing girl the other day.

But a part of Chaeyoung's heart just broke.
She couldn't lose her friendship because of this silly crush.


Lisa POV~

Is recess a perfect time to strike?

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