Ch 14- That's your sister?

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Lisa POV~

Classes are so boring...... At some point I just wanna opt out.

And now I have 1 detention record. There's no way I'm letting my parents find out. So my very brave self is going to erase it.

The plan was actually pretty simple. 

Step1- Get to the cupboard in the staff room.
Step2- Use a skeleton key and open it.
Step3- Take the record book of our class and scratch my name away.
Step 4- Put it inside and walk away like nothing ever happened.

Well, my friends didn't share the same views.

"Lili, it's okay to get one detention record....." Jisoo reasoned. Rosé agreed, "We shouldn't be going to such levels to erase just one record."

I sighed. "My mother will kill me. I promised her I won't get a single detention this year."

Jennie started laughing. "Liz, I have over 20 detention records and my parents are chill about it." "Well, they are YOUR parents. MY parents are not the same" I eyed her.


I flung my hands in despair. "What do I do now??" "You can always apologize to saem" Chaeyoung suggested. "Yeah,.... no thanks."

"Was'up girls?" 

Bambam came upto me and placed his arm over my right-shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Well....." And then Jisoo explained about my whole plan and me getting detention.

"Oh that's pretty easy. Let's do it!!" Bambam exclaimed, enthusiastically. "Ha! See?" I turned towards the girls, "this is so easy!"


Uh oh, what is it now?

"You have to do my homework for a whole week," Bambam smirked. "Dude, what the fuck?" I shrieked. "This or nothing" he stated.

I looked at the three girls in front of me, my eyes pleading them to help me. Chaeyoung pulled me aside and whispered,


"Just agree with him and get the detention records erased. Then you can do the homework. It's not like he will know even if it's done wrong."

I giggled as I eyed her. "And I thought you were innocent." She shrugged. "I have brains, unlike you."



"Where is that dumbass?" I wondered. No, the dumbass isn't Bambam.


That idiot has neither been picking up his phone, nor has he replied to my texts. He didn't even attend classes today!
Heol :|

He had promised me that he will help me in getting revenge on Sehun and wanted to discuss the plan today.

After who-knows-how-many texts I sent, I gain took out my phone. It was evening, and still no reply from him....



Dude, u promised me


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