Ch 22- Day-out

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Author POV~

Rosé came running and saw her three friends sitting on the blanket. Of course, they were giving her glares.

"Sorry *huff* for coming *huff* late *huff*. I actually *huff* was-" Chaeyoung was cut off by Jennie. "It's okay girl. Just come and sit here," she motioned, patting on the space next to her.

Summer break for the students of their university had started, and so Jisoo had decided that Blackpink should have a girls-day out.

Of course Jennie has protested since she wanted to sleep but her cousin dragged her out anyways.

"What's for breakfast?" Lisa asked, rubbing her palms with high expectancy. "I don't know, but it better be good, cuz I'm craving for food" Rosé stated, as matter-of-fact.

"You are always craving for food."

"Shut up Jen," Jisoo said, taking out a big lunch box. "My cooking is not that great so I pestered Jin to make something. Hopefully that dimwit cooked something good."

"I honestly don't care. I'm starving" Lisa said, attacking the box which Jisoo had laid out for her.

"Mhm, this is actually good" Jennie complimented. "Yeah, if Jennie is complimenting someone from BTS, it means it's definitely good" Chaeyoung agreed.

"Your brother can be a cook" Lisa stated. "Oh honey no. According to him, his handsome face, deserves to be a model. I wonder how that ugly face of his is going to survive in that industry though" Jisoo roasted her brother in two lines.

After having the delicious scones, croissant, egg muffins and bagels with cream cheese, Lisa let out a loud burp.

"Ew, Lili! Your breath stinks!" Jennie scrunched her nose, before getting up and straightening her skirt.

"Your breath is like a skunk's scent so don't compare," Lisa countered. "Rude!"

The four girls got on their cycles and went to the mall because Jennie and Jisoo were dying to go shopping.

Much to Lisa's annoyance of course, but due to Chaeyoung's persistence, she tagged along.

After reaching the mall, Lisa just sighed. 

"Can you both stop fighting?" she practically yelled, irritated by Jennie and Jisoo's fights. "It's not my fault, ugh! Tell your cousin that we have to go Dior! We can go to her channel thingy later" Jisoo pointed out.

"Excuse you! It's Chanel, FYI. And my Chanel is far better than your Dior stuff" Jennie huffed.

"But I think we should go to Saint Laurent...." Chaeyoung let out in a soft whisper. "NO!!" Jisoo and Jennie protested. "It's Dior-" "-or Chanel."

Lisa crossed her arms and tried to figure out a solution to please all the three.

"Do we even have that much of money from our allowances to shop at such high-classy brands?" she finally asked, as the other three girls fiddled with their bag, hair accessories and hair.

"I have, cuz I bribed Jin to give me his allowance" Jisoo stated. "I have my own credit card" Rosé showed off. "I asked eomma to give me more money" Jennie said.

"WHAT?! That's so unfair!" Lisa complained. "My mother hardly even gives me my monthly allowance and you, who is my own cousin, gets more money just by mere asking?!"

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