Ch 19- Frenemies?

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Lisa POV~

Oh my freaking gosh!

What the hell did I just utter?

I slammed the phone on the bedside table and covered my face in my cupped hands. I sincerely wished that the world would end right now....

Sure I was thinking about him but I didn't miss him!

Especially his annoying voice.

His melodious voice...


Okay, calm down Lisa. You just said you missed his voice. No biggie. He must have heard it from others too. It's not like you love him or something.....

Plus remember, you mean nothing to him.

Eunha does.


"Yah! Jennie-ya, wait for me!" I shrieked as I tied my shoelaces. I saw her stopping and looking back at me, confusion visible in her dark-brown orbs.

I sighed, as I got up from tying my shoelaces. 

"Stop giving me that look!" I added, getting on my bicycle. She jogged towards her cycle and finally spoke up.

"If you don't remember Madame Lisa, you were suspended...."

I started cycling away, not bothering to reply. 


She chews my brain off anyways.

Basically I wanted to spend my suspension outside the house.
Not listening to my mother's lecture on how to be a better daughter.

I cycled in the direction opposite to our university, that is, towards the marketplace. As I sat waiting on the bicycle amidst the morning traffic, I felt a huge bulk behind me.

Did someone just sit behind me?

I turned around and almost fell off the cycle to see a person flashing his bunny teeth at me.

"JEON JUNGKOOK, where are your manners?" "Look ahead and ride, girl."

Oh right.

I zoomed past the roads and had to pedal faster because of the extra weight of the muscle-pig behind me.

I finally stopped the cycle and ordered him to get down. "You suck at everything don't you?" he sighed, brushing his shoulders. 

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