Ch 15- JKLM

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Author POV~

[A/N: In this part, the lines under '\\' are thoughts of the characters]

"Eomma, I'm scared" the little girl said shyly, clinging onto her mother's long skirt. Her mother bent down to her level, and ruffled her hair.

"Now, now, dear. I know this is a new city, but how long are you going to live without making new friends?" 

The girl bent her head down, as she was slowly dragged by her mother to the park.

There were many children playing red tiger-green tiger, lock and key, knock-knock, hide and seek, hopscotch etc.

She walked upto a group playing lock and key and asked if she could join them. One of the children, a boy scanned her and laughed. "What are you? Chinese?"

"Uh, no.... I'm half Thai and ha-"

Another girl cut her off. "We don't care you ASIAN. Just scram away!"

The Thai girl stopped her tears from flowing and wanted to run to her mother. But she held back. Her gaze fell on the swings.

A boy, about her age, was sitting on one of them.

He seemed so silent and...... sad.

Having had a soft heart, the girl walked upto the boy. "Hi.... Are you alright?" she asked, as she sat on the swing next to him. 

The boy looked away. "Hey, are you really okay?" she asked once more. "Can you like, um, buzz off?" he retorted as he went to sit on a see-saw.

\Great he hates me now\, the girl thought.

The group with whom the girl had talked before came upto her and rudely ordered her to leave the swing, for them.

"Last time I checked, there was no name written on the swing. So yeah, it's not yours" the girl quite bravely answered back. The gang of elder kids were taken aback.

"Okay listen here you little piece of shit. This is our area, you get that?" the eldest of them yelled as he pulled the girl's hair.

"YAH!! Let go of me!"  his victim yelled, struggling to yank her hair away from that guy's grasp. The other kids just giggled and laughed instead of stopping their fellow mate.

"Yah! You idiots didn't get it the first time did you?"

All the kids turned to face the new voice. It was the silent boy on the swing from before. One of the other girls snorted, "Who are you to tell us what to do, you puny little Asian?"

\Girl, puny? He's literally the same height as you despite being younger than you\

The boy brushed past the the elder children and grabbed the hair of the boy who had the girl's hair in his grasp.

"Oi, you idiot! Let me go!" the elder boy yelled as he tried to jerk his head away. In the process, he lost his grasp over the girl's hair.

She got up from the swing and motioned the boy who saved her, to follow her. Surprisingly, he did follow her.

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