Ch 8- What does Eunha mean to you?

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Jungkook POV~

"The fuck you doing here? Why are you here?" I asked, completely ignorant that she was actually sheltering me.

She gave me a disgusted smile. "What the hell are you doing here? Out in the rain?"
"And why do you care?" I asked, raising one of my eyebrow.

That girl ignored me and sat next to me. "You are crying," she blatantly pointed out.

Sure I was.
 I had been weeping for who knows how long. But, I denied that I was crying. "I'm not an idiot like you Jungkook. What's wrong?" Lisa said, clearly annoyed.

So she's labelling me as an idiot?

"Why are you even talking to me? It's not like we know each other for ages" I said. I definitely wasn't expecting her reply. "I don't know. And it's okay if you don't want to talk about it with me. Just don't cry, it is not like you to breakdown easily."

What? How long had she known me for? A month, at the most.
But something itched me. Something told me that if I shared everything with her, the result won't be bad.

I mean she may seem rude and behave roughly with me, but I have seen her care for others. Everyone except BTS, but that's not the point.

Like, one day, I saw her comforting Joy, a girl of our section. I remember Jimin and Yoongi saying that she and her boyfriend had broken up. According to Suga, it was some kind of misunderstanding which they had. 

Surprisingly, the next day Joy and her boyfriend got back there. I heard Jisoo congratulate Lisa for her advice had saved a relationship. 

Maybe sharing my problems with her won't be so bad.........
Or maybe this beer is just getting to my head.

"Here, I'm keeping the umbrella." Lisa was about to leave when I held her hand.

"Don't go. Please."

I expected her to snatch her hand away, but she didn't. She came and sat next to me, a bit closer this time. "Why were you here all alone? You are drenching wet, right now."

I was about to deny, again, but my sneeze beat me to it.
She looked at me with a smirk "Told ya' so."

She was taken for a shock when I suddenly hugged her, and started bawling my eyes out.

I knew she was about to push me away when her hands reached my shoulder. But I was surprised when she actually patted my back.

"I don't know what happened, but don't break down. It's not like you, Jeon Jungkook."

Suddenly, I felt sad for judging her. She was not as bad as I thought.


Aah! The fuck?

A bucket of cold water had been splashed upon me. I opened my eyes and saw Lisa's face, sleeping like a small child. Apparently my head was on her lap, and we had dozed off.

I shook her up and she opened her eyes, after some time. The moment she saw my head on her lap, she pushed it away.


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