Ch 4- Sorry, I am not your puppet

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Jimin POV~

I have absolutely no idea why I tagged along with Rosé to find Jennie and Suga, but I guess now I can't back down. I came out of my thoughts when Rosé asked me if we had finished checking all the rooms in the floor.

I shook my head. "No, the music room, dance room and sports equipment room are left." "Let's go, then" she whispered.

Well, she was not really whispering but her voice was so low that it sounded like she was.

We went to the music room and saw it was locked. "Try knocking the door" Rosé suggested. I knocked on the door and suddenly heard a feeble voice answering "Is that you, guys?"

"Yes, Jennie! It's me, Rosé!!" Rosé shouted. Wow, even when she shouts her voice isn't that loud.
"How do we get you out?" I asked her. "We? Who are you? Oh wait, Jimin?" I  heard Jennie query.

Rosé sighed. "Jennie, that's not important. How do we get you out?" 

"Can you see a backpack near the door?" Yoongi questioned. We both shook our heads "No." 

"What?" Jennie shouted. "I swear it was there."

"Wait, one second. Lemme check," I said, as I rushed off to find the janitor. Me and Rosé had seen him cleaning this floor, so maybe he had Jennie's backpack. I finally found him cleaning the stairs and asked him about the backpack.

He said he had found it and it was in the janitor's closet. "I was going to give it to the lost and found later. Is the bag yours?" he asked me. 

"No, it's my classmate's. But thank you" I thanked him, as I went to the janitor's closet. 

The thing was I had no idea where it was. I went to find Rosé, incase she knew where it was.
Rosé told me to follow her and I did, like a small puppy.

She took me to the janitor's closet and told me to get the bag. "Why? Why don't you get it?" I questioned.

"The closet is too small for me. You height is tiny, you can fit in there" she said giggling. Rude!

"Very funny Rosé," I said, with a sad face. I entered the closet and brought out the backpack. I was about to walk back to the music room, when Rosé grabbed my hand.

I looked at her with a puzzled look "Rosé what's wrong?" She started stammering "I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

I started chuckling "Hurt my feelings? It's okay, my friends do it all the time!" I then ruffled her hair with my hands. 

Wait, was she blushing?

Jungkook POV~

The senior year students had classes in the fourth floor, and boy, all the classes were packed.
Who likes studying?

It crossed my mind of checking the washrooms but then I brushed that stupid idea off. Jennie had texted through Suga 's phone, which meant they were together. And that means, definitely not in any washroom.

I decided to walk down to the third floor, because I was pretty sure that Lisa was doing a terrible job in finding Yoongi hyung and Jennie.

I walked across the hallway and saw Lisa and some other guy talking. Was that her boyfriend?
Wow, first day in school and she already has a boyfriend.

Suddenly that fellow raised his hand like he was about to hit Lisa. She stopped him and pushed his hand back "I'm not weak anymore, I am not the old Lisa" I heard her say. 

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