Ch 2- Not them again!

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Jisoo POV~

As soon as I saw the boy gang, I froze. I could see Rosé and Jennie's faces turning pale. Of course, Lisa had no idea.

They walked past all the students, amidst the girls swayed by them and boys who gave them glares. Those seven boys, BTS, stopped near us, BlackPink.

Uh oh, I smell trouble.

I could feel their eyes scanning us. I looked over to Jin, my brother and gave him a death glare. He just smiled sheepishly. He literally had no control over his gang!

"What are you looking at Jisoo? Your brother won't bother to save you," Taehyung smirked. Ugh, this bastard. 

"What makes you think I need to be saved, huh? Change the sentence to you need to be saved," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Oi! You better mind your language!" Lisa shouted at him. V looked at her like he had seen her for the first time. I mean he did, but- You get it, right?

Jungkook saw Lisa and started giggling "You are the girl from the streets right?" 

"You are from the pig sty right? Did you clean the sty before coming to school?" Lisa retorted. Jungkook's face went gloomy but he quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh, so what are you trying to prove?" he questioned, nearing to Lisa. Lisa's eyes had popped out on seeing how close Jungkook was etching to. 

"I don't know. Maybe that you are manner less? Like a pig?" Lisa replied, untethered. At that moment Jungkook had kept his both hands on the wall and Lisa was stuck in between.

I wanted to beat the pulp out of Jungkook right now, but I stopped. Jennie had told me that anyone who messes with Lisa would definitely have a hard time. I just waited patiently.

"You know what? Scratch that. A pig has better manners than you" saying that Lisa took hold of Jungkook's one hand and pressed hard on his other hand. She then pushed Jungkook against the wall and pushed his hand over his back. 

Everyone let out a huge gasp. I guess it was shocking that someone had stood up to BTS, especially Jungkook. Even I was genuinely surprised. 

Jennie wasn't kidding.  

"Pigs atleast know whom to attack and whom not to. They don't hound around girls" Lisa said, still pressing his hand. I saw Jungkook flinching in pain. What did this girl eat?

Yoongi was about to pull Lisa back when Jennie kicked him right on his calf muscles. Ouch! "What the fuck are you doing, Jennie?" "Don't try to attack my sister" Jennie said, giving him a death glare.

My brother finally decided to step up and pleaded with Lisa to let go of Jungkook.
"I am telling this to you" she began, leaning near Jungkook's ear "and to all of you" she said looking towards the rest "DON'T EVER MESS WITH MY FRIENDS!" 

"Unless you wanna be boiled alive!" Jennie added.
"Got that? Now shiver!" I whispered to V, who was closest to me.

He was about to retort back, when Namjoon grabbed his hand. Lisa finally let go of Jungkook and looking towards us, she said "Let's go. I don't want to see these faces more than I have to." 

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