Ch 13- That's a lot to take in

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Jungkook POV~

"I can't believe you decided to talk with me, finally. Sehun's name does work, huh?"

"Yeah, well, don't blow up that chance. Plus I'm tAlKiNg with you only because we have a project together. And that you promised to help me with a revenge" Lisa snorted.

"Jeez, what's with your attitude girl?"
"If you anger me once more, be ready with your grave. Imma bury you."
"I have a future ahead of me. Better than you."
"Yeah, a future of trash. Nice one, I laughed."
"I didn't crack a joke, bitch."
"Your nice future, isn't that a joke?"

"Umm. Something interesting going on there Lisa and Jungkook?" Saem interrupted.

Both of our faces went white. Lisa turned her head towards the teacher and shook her head. "Sorry sir, we won't talk again."

"That's what you had said the last 5 times, as well, Ms. Manoban. Both of you are off to detention."

I got up from my seat and walked out of the class, since who knows how many records of detention I have, but Lisa didn't sit right with that. She thumped her hands on the table and shouted, "NO SIR! I won't talk again."

Seonsangnim sighed. "What's the golden word, Lisa?"

"I'm going to detention. No thanks."
And she stormed off.

So she's okay with going to detention than saying sorry or please?

For me and the boys, detention meant freedom. Who goes to the detention room, anyways?
I casually walked to the upper floor to get Hoseok hyung. 
That guy will readily get detention to spend time with any of us. And I love him for that.

Yeah, so fast forward 10 minutes and we both were strolling in the garden. 

"And then Jin snorted loudly which caused Irene to laugh and the whole class started laughing loudly with her. The teacher got so pissed off that he walked off and we fellas got a whole free period."

"Hilarious, Hobi hyung."

"It was. We all laughed. And by the way, what did you this time?"

"Lisa's fault, I swear. That sisterfucking bitch was-" "Calm down with the swearing." "-whatever. I had no hand in it."

Hoseok burst out laughing. "What?" I asked, putting on my poker face. He looked at me and chuckled. "I'm greenminded, sorry."

I was about to retort when a soft pebble was hurled at my head. "YAH! THE FUCK-"

"Why are you not at the detention room?" Lisa eyed me and Hoseok.

"You got detention as well, right? Why are you not there?" Hobi hyung asked her, annoyed. Lisa put her hands in her pockets and neared me, "Ask that to your dear friend."

Glaring at her, I said "Why didn't you just say sorry? Plus your fault that you act up whenever you hear that Se- I mean, guy's name." She was about to grab my collar, when a phone call interrupted us.

It was my phone.

I looked at the screen and saw that it was from Somi's school. Anxious, I picked it up. "Is this Jeon Jungkook?" a voice tried clarifying.

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