Ch 18- Cheating is okay?

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Jisoo POV~

"No, NO TAEHYUNG!!  You are doing it all wrong!" I yelled for the nth time. "What?" he stared at me.

I walked upto him and snatched the atom away from him. "It will be placed here," I showed him, placing the atom over the triple-bond.

"Who cares? And how long do we have to do this project for?" 

"I don't know. Maybe if you cooperate we can finish it faster. But you are not going home until we complete the  making of the model."

"Why? Do you want me to sleep here? Next to you?" he smirked, as he got up from my bed.

My face started warming up, but I chuckled. "You wish."

After explaining him for the 3rd time, him finally setting the atoms properly, and me completing on the speech regarding our model; we decided to take a break.

"Only 10 minutes, okay?!" I yelled as he nodded, walking out of my room.

I switched on my phone and saw that Jack had left quite a few messages for me.


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u bored?

my life sucks

help (╥﹏╥)

chill man

but tbh, same.

we have too many alikes.

u sound like my crackhead friends

ik dat i'm weird

but my dudes have changed the whole definition of crackhead

haha true.

u r right Jack.
we have too many alikes

could we be soulmates?

with you?


hell naw 😣 

i'm offended

don't be 😚

r u flirting with me?


i can hear the wedding bells ringing.

i can foresee a funeral


dat put u in ur place

dat put u in ur place

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