Ch 20- Frenemies to Lovers 🔞

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Jungkook POV~


"These two weeks went by in a flash! We only have two more days to go" I exclaimed, earning a happy smile from Lisa.

Lisa got up from her seat and clapped her hands, "I know right? And we got to know about each other so much! Plus we had a lot of fun."

"And we were away from the stupid studies, assignments, project works of university" I added. "We both hate university that much, huh?" Lisa pondered.

"Guess so...."

We were talking when my mother came in with a stack of my clothes. She was oblivious to the fact that I was on a video call with a girl.

"Listen up, Jeon Jungkook."

Uh oh.

You know it's trouble if your mother calls you by your full name....

"Keep your red Spiderman boxers in a separate stack from your other clothes. Because of them, my white shirt got stained. Now it's unusable!"

She would have ratted more if not for Lisa's laughter from the other side.

"Y-You wear SPIDERMAN boxers?!" she managed to utter between her giggles. 

My mother heard the voice and walked over to my desk. "Oh not only that. He has all kind of kiddish ones like spiderman, superman, hulk, ironman, cat noir printed boxers...."

Might as well tell her my dick size, mom.

Embarrassed to the core, I finally managed to push her out of my room.

When I got back to my desk, Lisa was still cackling with laughter.

"Stop laughing, you ugly faced hyena. I am hundred percent sure that your underwears are nothing better."

Lisa smirked at me evilly. "I wear lace panties and bra." Please.

"Stop lying. You will look awful in it," I chuckled. "Bruh. I'm wearing red today."

I just rolled my eyes and relaxed back on my chair when I saw Lisa getting up from hers. She lifted her loose hoodie a bit to show a part of her lacey bra.

"Girl, the fuck are you doing?" I looked away, blushing like a cherry. "Why? Am I too hot to handle?"

Well, duh.

"Nope" I lied. "Whatever. I just wanted to prove to you that I do wear lace undergarments" Lisa huffed. 

"I didn't see your panties though."

"Horny asshole" was the last thing I heard from Lisa before she disconnected the call.


Can't blame me. That girl is sexy and hot as fuck!


This girl ate like a wolf. "Jeez, Lisa.... Calm down" I patted her head as she slurped in another noodle.

We spend all our suspension days playing in the game arcade and the loser had to treat the winner.

And ever since that day, I have spend almost all my pocket money on giving Lisa treats -_-

"Don't touch me Jungcock!" Lisa jerked her head away. "Do you wanna touch my cock?" I smirked as I ate some soup.

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