Ch 25- Hug from the right person

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Jungkook POV~

He is that bad?
He is that obsessed?
He is that creepy?

I turned towards Lisa and for the first time I saw her cry. Normally I would tease her for being a crybaby but this wasn't her fault.

I understood her.

My hands went upto her and brought her closer to me. She hugged me tightly and started crying a river. 

I need to wash my shirt after this.
She is literally blowing her nose on it.

Okay, no time for jokes.

I patted her head and hugged her even tightly while she just shut her eyes. For a moment, everything felt perfect before the door flung open.

"Well, well, well...."

I broke apart from the hug and went ahead and punched him on the face. Sehun fell down and I sat upon him and grabbed a fistful of his shirt.

I went on punching him till blood started oozing out of his mouth.

That Sehun bastard had the audacity to look at Lisa with pleading eyes and say, "Can't you stop this jerk? He is literally beating the shit out of your boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend who? I don't even know who you are."

Savage Lisa makes a comeback!

Lisa ripped all the photos off the wall and brought out a lighter from her purse. She threw the whole bunch into a trashbin sitting nearby and burnt the whole fucking thing.

Now that's a girlboss attitude.

Sehun was about to say something else but I shut his mouth and glared at him. "If you tell anyone we were here then we will gladly tell what kind of monster you are."

His eyes travelled to Lisa who was standing behind me and something told me that she had a secret only they both knew. I was about to choke Sehun when Lisa shook my by my shoulder and signaled that we had to leave.


"There is something you are hiding from me, Liz. What is it?" I asked for the 7th time after we came from Sehun's apartment.

"And for the the last time, it's nothing, Jungkook."

"Right, and Jin is ugly" I said. She glared at me, her eyes saying that it was not the right time to joke.

"If I tell you everything, will you be able to keep it as a secret? Will you not betray me, like the others?" she asked, her voice quaking with fear.

Why was she so afraid of getting betrayed?


Why am I so afraid of betraying someone?

"Why would I ever betray you?"

Lisa heaved a sigh.
"Fine then....."


She went through that much?

She changed herself because of that fucking bastard?!

But then a sudden realization dawned upon me. Lisa had compared me with Sehun. She had compared me with that fucking abuser.

"Did you hate me that much?"

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