Ch 3- He? How is he here?

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Suga POV~

"What the hell, Jennie! Now the door is locked!" I shouted at her. She threw a pen at me "Shut up before I kill you. I'm already angry as it is," Jennie scoffed.

I just sighed "Who was the one trying to prank me?"
She remained silent.

"You had already ruined my freshmen year, my shirt the other day and now you are ruining my first day as a sophomore, as well!" I yelled. I was so mad at her.

She just smiled. The audacity!
"You deserve it. You have been a jerk anyways."

"Don't you have your phone with you?" I asked her. I was desperate to get out of here, especially if it meant bring stuck with this girl. "Of course not!" she answered, "I was not expecting a certain someone to push me into this classroom!"


Jennie POV~

They were acting to smart, weren't they? Looks like I have to start my tactics once more. Let the first victim be Yoongi.

I knew Yoongi had a habit of sleeping in the library or the music room, even in school

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I knew Yoongi had a habit of sleeping in the library or the music room, even in school. 

Since it was the first day of a new academic year, the library was crowded with students from the freshmen year trying to get some books; students from the sophomore year wanting to return the books and students from the junior and senior year doing both.

If I know Suga, he would definitely avoid such a crowded place. So I headed towards the music room.

 So I headed towards the music room

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My plan was all set.

The lock was perfectly set and so was the latch. I feel like I'm a pro sometimes. As soon as Yoongi enters the room and slams the door, it will lock itself. And he can't open it because I'm the only one with the key. 

I know I'm evil.

I was still fiddling with the latch when someone put their head against my shoulder. "What the- Yoongi?"

"Whatchu doing?" he questioned. "N-nothing" I stammered desperately trying to hide it. "Right. And pigs fly."

"Seriously, I was doing nothing," I replied firmly "And what's with the pig references?"
He ignored my question. "I doubt that" he said leaning very close to me.

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