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YAM Chap 10


"It's because," i stammered. " Lynn wants the full truth Alexa" Phoenix taunted. I snapped my head at her and gave her the dirty looks.

"It's because She has something you all dont and something compels me to act different around her so leave it be ." i said simply.

They weren't satisfied but left it alone because they know best no to mess with me.

"OK WHO BROUGHT THE GUITARS?" Mike asked/yelled.

"The twins, Vic, Jenna and Taylor did." Jordan answered. "It's in the van, I'll go get it" Jordan offered. "We'll help" Alex and Mike perked.

Three minutes later Jordan and the two came back with six acoustic guitars in hand. They gave it to the respective owners and sat back down.

The whole group sang along to songs that we know and some sang their own compositions that were already familiar to us. While singing each were handed a can of beer. That one bottle became a few bottles.

We were all a bit buzzed but still sober.

"Alexa wanna give it a shot?" Taylor asked giving me an assuring smile and handing me her guitar.

" why not" I accepted grabbing the guitar from her and at the rest. " what should i play"

" Fire escape" Phoenix stated blankly. " yeah, i bet Lynn doesn't know that yet" Jordan buzzed and the rest gave some ' yeah' and 'play it's.

Lynn stared at me intently as if she was begging me to play it- but not for the groups pleasure, but hers.

I nodded and heard a couple cheers and start strumming the guitar.

"I was close to the end of my rope, and I know that may be hard to believe considering everything that I've been feeling lately." i sang confidently, the guys already know this song and know the message behind it.

But i am singing this for Lynn, for her to understand, to know that...

"You're just so, you're just so far AWAY... So, as you spend the night with an empty bedside You will drift off to sleep and I will wait for you to return to me..."

I finished strumming the final chords and searched Lynn's enchanting eyes. They stood out like an oasis in the middle of a desert.

She stared at me adoringly while giving me a proud look with two thumbs up.

I smiled back while handing Taylor back her guitar.

The rest of night passed back like a blur and the next thing i knew. still sober Lynn dragging a really drunk Alexa back to our tent.


" Lynn You're li-like a b-baby" Alexa stuttered obviously drunk.

"a cuteeee fluffy baby BUT n-no you're not just a babbbby you areeee my baby." I blushed and laughed a little at the drunk Alexa in my arms.

"yeah whatever you say 'MOM'" I joked along. "NO-No no no. I m-ean you're my babe, baby." she said, her husky voice audible while turning us around so that we were facing each other.

"i-uhhh Alexa" I stuttered pushing Alexa so that she would stumble and fall on her sleeping bag.

Once she fell, I dropped on my knees and adjusted her position. " ok Alexa no drinking tomorrow."

I pushed moving to the other side where my sleeping bag is.

"Good Ni-night baby" Alexa hiccuped. I giggled and got in my sleeping bag. "night Alexa." I yawned soon taken over by sleep.

I will drift off to sleep and you'll will wait for me to return to you.

I Cant believe that you are mine. (Alexa San Roman/ Lynn Gunn) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now