Those Sick Judgemental fools

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YAM Chap 15


I woke up to the smell of axe being sprayed. then i knew there was someone else in the room.

wait this isn't my bed. I sat up straight an began demanded where i was and who i was with.

"Woah Lynn breathe, i ain't gonna hurt you." Alexa said. Last nights events came hitting me like a ton of bricks.

"oh" i said curtly. "I thought i was in somebody else's room." I explained, Alexa seemed unpleased and looked a tad bit sad.

"we are going to have pancakes weather you like it or not and you have two hours to explain everything." she stated fumbling to get in her skinny jeans.

I blushed at the sight of Alexa in her cute batman boxers, like the one i was wearing.

"starting isn't caring" she teased buttoning her jeans and tossing her hair with her hands making it look like ' i just had sex' hair.

Just to be clear guys, we didn't have sex, i swear to my fathers grave.

"here go grab a shower and change into these" she said handing me some of her boxers, what seems to be a unused bra, pair of black ripped skinny jeans and her jersey with her last name on the back and 15. she also lend me some black high tops.

I began washing my body with Alexa's soap that gives her this intoxicating smell mixed with axe that makes smells perfect.

After showing, i got in her clothes and underwear and headed in the room. she was fumbling with a pen and a paper, trying to write something.

I sat on the edge of her freakishly huge bed and asked her. "why do you get a bedroom instead of a dorm room and you also don't get to share it with anyone else."

"I don't like sharing with anyone" she stated and I shifted my position feeling awkward.

"Hey i said anyone I didn't say you." she said sensing my awkwardness. "stop being so nice to meee" i whined

"but i wannaaaa" she mocked.

"but-" "nuh uh uh. I have decided that I will be nice to you and only you.. I also decided to be extra mean to the guys" she joked. I laughed and got picked up by Alexa, away from the warm soft bed.

"hey, the bed was fabulous" i joked. "But im more fabulous" she said flipping her hair still holding me in her arms.

"well at least you're strong." I complimented. "are you kidding me, your lighter than a pencil." she stated.

she carried me to the elevator and set me down. "where are we going" i asked.

"Ihop" she said trying her best not to smile at her own Idea. As much as I don't want to eat, IHop sounds tempting.

"Okay" she smiled and grabbed my arm pulling me towards the dorms and jumped in her Mustang.

Remember the time i said this school was for rich kids and whatever, I HAVE PROOF. the damned Dorm was like a fucking hotel, and Alexa's room was like the 'presidential suite'.

not all the students stay there, some of them lives near by so they stay at home, as for me I live not that far but the guys wanted me to be as close to them as possible.

I sat alone on a booth while Alexa order us the same kind of pancakes.

"oh, what a coincidence!" Ariana said slipping in the booth wit Iggy. Alexa returned and slipped besides me and glared at the two girls in front of us.

i had to hold Alexa's hand to reassure her and calm her down.

"are you sure you wanna eat, Lynn. Don't you have to much?" Ariana teased. "oh and I've heard there are good gyms here, why don't you try it."

The tears that was building in my eyes are begging to be released and I feel like im gonna puke.

Alexa looked furious and rage was visible in her aura. "Are you fucking kidding me. Are you saying that Lynn here is dat and that she needs to trim some weight. "

"mmhmm, she looks like a whale, a salad a day won't work on her, she needs to eat absolutely nothing." Ariana proclaimed. thats it, that did it

I ducked my head on Alexa's shoulder and spilled tears. By now Alexa was red with rage.

"well, before you say that ti Lynn, I suggest you go look at a body sized mirror and stare at your thighs, it's probably heavier and fatter than Lynn's whole body!" Alexa spat.

The two girls gasped and Ariana looked down at her thighs and back to us looking a bit ashamed.

"Now you see? Next time wear something that covers something humongous before teasing Lynn." Alexa hissed.

Ariana and Iggy left Ihop as fast as they could and Alexa
hugged me sideways telling me that everything is fine and that its all over.

"those sick judgmental fools got what they deserve." she said lofting her fork towards my mouth.

Instead of two hours of explaining, Alexa said that I can explain later and that we could just chill for the remaining hour we have before first period.

I Cant believe that you are mine. (Alexa San Roman/ Lynn Gunn) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now