And so it starts.

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YAM Chap 6


Two weeks have passed and everyone one in the group seemed to love Lynn, She's one of us now.

Everyone outside of the group envies her. It's because she was with us ever since the day she first walked in.

We were at the rooftop waiting for the end off the day since we all have free period.

"Hey guys what do ya'll wanna do this weekend, Monday and Tuesday classes are suspended next week so that means long Weekend" The cheery country girl said.

"Macy has a point there." Hayley agreed.

I never requested anything to the guys before, i just go with whatever they do.

"I wanna go camping" I stated.

Everyone's eyes were boring through mine like I've grown seven more heads.

" It's settled then?" Vic asked and everyone agreed and cheered a little.

" Ok bring your stuff tomorrow, we leave after school" Vic said.

even Lynn was happy with my Idea.

the bell rang and everyone scurried to the exit. I walked away from them and found MY exit.

someone grabbed my arm.

"So this is where you disappear to." Lynn said, more to herself though.

No one has ever caught me exiting here, they were to afraid to even ask where I go to after lunch.

"Yeah. you're the first one to ever know where i go to every time." i said facing her.

She tilted her head to the side. " come I'll show you." I said grabbing her wrist.

We jogged to where i was going and stopped at my destination.

" The fire escape? you go down here, why?" she asked taking a closer look.

"The fire escape is MY escape, Its like you're leaving all your problems behind. The great part is no one knows that you're here, no one can judge you, nothing" I explained opening the escape.

" follow me, I'll show you the best part."

Me and Lynn hurried down the escape and reach the back of the school. we walked about 8 minutes until we reach the place i go to after school.

" wow... This is gorgeous." she said obviously breath taken.

" I know" I said look straight at her, she looked at me. " Perfect actually" I added.

Her cheeks got rosy so did her ears. beautiful

She truly is and im not even denying it. there's no point lying to myself if i did deny it.

I laced our fingers together in the most friendliest way possible.

we Continued walking down the beach with our free hand holding our shoes and our other hand laced together.

Our feet were gliding through the cold sand. I was making sure Lynn won't step on some pointy rocks.

" I think I should get you home "I suggested.

" Are you sue I could always commute alone back home, It's normal for Me" she assured.

" non sense, at this hour a bunch of horny, drunk asses are waiting for their next victim." I taunted. " plus what happened to your car?"

" Paint jooobbbb" she sang.

"lets go" I said.

Once we wore our shoes we climbed aboard the train that was close to the beach.

We were the only ones there, that made us comfortable.

We were joking about a hybrid of a Potato and a Puppy with fabulous unicorn wings and a workout headband.

She sat down while i stood, leaning on the chair that was in front of me.

"You're SOOO wired" she laughed. "so are youuuu rainbow socks, so are you. " I Countered referring to our conversation a while ago where she said that she wants to see a skinny dude with no top wearing a tutu and rainbow socks.

" shut up" she said shoving me lightly. " you started it" i countered once more.

The train stopped and I hopped of with Lynn and started walking to the direction of their house.

we entered the drive way and at about 6 minutes later we were in front of her door step.

" Thanks for bringing me home. AND for showing me your escape, it means a lot.. to me at least." she said

" no problem now go inside, it's getting cold I'll see you tomorrow, don't forget to bring your stuff." I reminded her.

"Okay, but are you sure you'll be ok, you shouldn't offered to take me home it's dangerous and it's getting cold and.--"

" Its okay as long as you're here now and you're safe, im good. I'm a big girl now, i can handle going home by myself." i assured. Lynn blushed again and nodded.

" okay, stay safe and ALIVE cause if anything happens to you I'll blame myself." she demanded. I nodded and ushered her inside her house.

" I'll see you tomorrow byeee" she added. " Bye"

then I casually walked back and took a cab home.

Lyndsey, what have you done to me.

I Cant believe that you are mine. (Alexa San Roman/ Lynn Gunn) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now