I cant help it.

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YAM tbh i dont know what chapter this is, I forgot.

Im here. Im here. I can do it. I can do this. For the love of LYNEXA! OH my god, here i am almost dying and i crack up a joke.

Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Beep. Yes its working. Inhale, exhale. Beep beep beep. Open your eyes Lynn!! I CAN DO THIS.

Oh my god i feel so numb. I can FEEL. Its working! Im back in my body. My throat feels so parched and i can feel tubes and sharp pointy needles in and out of me.

I can feel pain! I can actually feel. I suddenly distinguish the scent of freshly brewed coffee. And i can hear the door. Beep beep beep. I can also hear those annoying beeps that is telling them and me that im still alive.

I mustered up all the strength that i have to moan out in pain. "Mmhhhg" i did it. I can also move my fingers, i felt blood rushing in me, it's actually lessening the pain. I feel, i feel normal.

"Lynn?" I heard a sightly muffled voice. Probably because she is eating. "Mgh" I responded. And just in a blink of an eye. I opened mine.

The blinding whiteness came into view so i have to shut them real quick. "Lynn!! LYN ARE YOU HERE?" Alexa. I can hear Alexa. "Mgh" I slowly opened my eyes facing the my baby.

"A-alex-a." I whispered as I tried to move my arm. She immediately slammed the button above my head to inform the nurses that im fine.


Lynn is awake. Fuck. I felt so happy, complete, nostalgic, stupid. All the feelings that only she could give me.

The nurses came in and i saw nurse Tammy. "Nurse Tammy-" "Doctor Tammy now. " she smiled. Aw she did it. She got her medical degree. "Congrats but how is Lynn." I rushed. Just like my heart right now.

"All great news. She is stable. All bruises and scars have been healing and is 95% unnoticeable. She can't talk properly yet because she is parched. I think she can be able to walk and talk in about 2 to 3 days. Just tale thing moderately. " she smiled.

"No casts or extra stitches and medication needed. She had rested for quite awhile. Thats why she is back in her old semi healthy body. But She needs to gain a lot of weight. She is proximately 90 pounds or less and its really unhealthy. " she lessoned.

"Thank you so much. Im going to call my friend real quick." I said going outside of the hospital. I dialed Vic. "Hey alexa everybody is here. We're actually on our way there." He greeted. "PUT ME ON SPEAKER NOW!" I yelled. "Okay okay, you're on speaker. What happened is everything alright? He asked.

"YOU GUYS BETTER GET HERE IN FIVE MINUTES BECAUSE MY GIRLFRIEND IS AWAKE AND AIVE, AND HEALTHY AND PERFECT!!!!!" I yelled tears escaping my eyes. My whole body is filled with unfamiliar nostalgia and pure happiness.

"Fuck" i heard Hayley cry. "NO WAY!" Tay said in the background, her voice is almost the same as Hayley's cry. "STEP ON THE PEDAL FUENTES MY DAUGHTER IS FUCKING ALIVE!!!!" I heard Quinn yell. "Give me the phone. You're driving and its not safe. " Taylor said as i heard shuffling on the phone. "We're almost there and i think the twins are having some happy attack. Phoenix is pulling my hair. " "FUCK OFF!" Taylor yelled. "Okay just make it here fast and safe. Wait i can see the van already. "

The entire gang was here and they all squashed me in a really tight hug. Squash. Oh my god that word fucks me up. Say it slowly and try nit to laugh. S Q U AAAA SHHH. Okay now up the ELEVATOR!!
We all ran but since we dont fit. The guys went up using the stairs.

Once we were all up on the floor that held her room. Everyone was breathless and surprisingly pumped. "You can go in now." Doctor Tammy said. We all raced inside of her room and stopped on our tracks as soon as we saw her,

She was sat down. Sipping water from her straw as if it was the most casual thing to do. We were al teary eyes. Fuck that we were sobbing the hell out.

I speed my way to her side and poked her arm. "WHAT THE HELL ALEXA WHY DID YOU POKE HER, HUG HER GOD DAMMIT." Jordan yelled. I saw Lynn smiled. It felt do right. So i did hug her with my red puffy eyes and semi mended heart. "I love you" i told her.

"Ditto." She mustered. "Uh uh UH no using of voice sweetie." Macy said." I agree Taylor said. Jenna and Tay went ahead and poked her fore head. "Guys im still human. Stop poking me." Lynn sassed. "Sush your voice and keep it hydrated. I said opening a new bottle of water for her. She smiled back in gratitude.

"We definitely need a picture for this." Quinn said. "Okay everyone look. One two say alive. " "ALIVE" he kept his phone.

Okay okay okay. Whoo its like a huge weight off my shoulders. "Phoenix call pizza. Taylor call Chinese And I'll buy some soda. Its time for a mini celebration. " Vic said.

Every body was so occupied even Lynn. Its like nothing ever happened. And i prefer it that way. The best thing just happened today and i wish it would stay that way.

Once the pizza and Chinese have arrived. Every one was having a good time. And Guess what. Lynn is eating a shit ton of food. Which is good.

I smiled. A genuine one. Maybe every thing is going to be alright. Maybe everyone in thins cramped hospital room will be finally happy. We will finally have the happiness we all deserve specially Lynn.

"Having fun?" I asked. Lynn nodded and nestled her head on my shoulders. She interlocked our fingers.

I gave her a peck on the cheeks. "I love you so fucking much." I said.


2nd to the last chapter
Bue bye

I Cant believe that you are mine. (Alexa San Roman/ Lynn Gunn) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now