Chapter 1: Birthday surprise

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(hi here's your writer and here are some things you have to know: if you see () then that's me talking to you.
If you see " then that's somebody talking in the story.
And if you see <> then somebody's thinking to themselfes.
all enjoy!)

Y/N's pov:

I groan as I slowly open my eyes to my mom screaming her lungs out, just to get me out of bed.

"coming.." I whisper scream at my mom. "You better hurry or I'm going without you to your surprise!"

<what surprise?>

I thought to myself. While changing into a white shirt with golden buttons and out of fun a red puncho with a hood. To go with the puncho I choose black jeans and some slippers with little sunflowers on them.

(the body isn't mine a friend send it to me so I can draw the clothes on it

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(the body isn't mine a friend send it to me so I can draw the clothes on it. And if you don't like the design then you can wear something else)

After putting on my clothes I didn't even bother to fix my hair, and just went downstairs to find my mom packing things from the living room into a box.

"Why do we need to move? Where do we move to? What's the surprise? Why do I get a surprise anyway? Wha-" I asked until my mom cut me off

"1. Don't ask so much. 2 we're going to your surprise. And I'll tell you when we're in the Airplane." my mother looks annoyed at me

"why do I get a surprise?" I asked. My mother now looks at me with a confused face "did you really forget what day it is, Cariño?"

<damn I really forgot my mother also speaks Spanish.. But what day is it?>

I thought to myself. My mom just looked at me like I was standing naked I front of her.

It was silent for a second until I feel my face getting hotter of embarrassment

<f*ck today's my birthday! How tf could I forget?! My stupid as$ can't even think of something so simple>

My mom now knows that I realized that I know the reason and went back to packing out stuff. I run upstairs and started packing

(time skip bought to you by my gay as$)

We're in the plain and I turn to my mother who is reading her romance novels

"mom can you now tell me where we're going? PLEASE?!" I whisper scream at my mom who now looks at me with a smile.

"of course Cariño, do you remember the madrigal's?"
I look at her in disbelief

<no way? Don't say we're going back to encanto?!>

"yes? Why do you ask" I asked, with the excitement written all over my face.

ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵐʸ  𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 ᵗᵒ ᵐʸ 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧  |Camilo x MaleWhere stories live. Discover now