Chapter18: Breakfast With The Madrigal's (part 1/2)

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(Heya guys 😗👍

Disclamers: swearing, controlling/angst (I'll give the trigger warning on top of the part where it happens)

I'm sorry if you like abuela but I can't quite forgive her that she didn't care about the family 🤨

So if you don't like it you can leave or stay I don't give a fuck, just don't complain about it. - thanks


Y/n's pov:

I woke up 'cuz of light knocking on the door. I quickly broke free from Camilo's arms and rushed to the stage where my bed was waiting.

I got under the covers and pretended to be asleep. But I had one eye slightly open, just to see who it is. The door opened and it was, Alma?

She stood inside the door frame and, I think, looked at me and Camilo. Then she walked up to Camilo's bed and woke him up.

"Camilo, Cariño, wake up. It's time for breakfast." she said. Camilo groaned and put his blanket over his head. "5 more minutes." he groaned.

"No, no, no, Camilo. You're waking up, now! Before Y/n wakes up, I have to talk to you." she said ripping the blanket off Camilo's head.

"what, why?" he asked putting his head up. "You'll see. Now, get dressed, Por favor. I'll wait in my room." Alma said standing up, walking out the door and closing it behind her.

Camilo stood up and looked at me. "I know you're not asleep, Amor." he said walking up to me. "And I thought you were good at acting."

"Hey! I am good at acting!" I said throwing my pillow at his face. "Now get dressed, I wanna know what your Abuela wants from you." I said sitting down at the edge of the stage.

"She said she want to talk with me not with you. So how the fuck are you gonna know?" he asked walking to his closed.

"you're gonna tell me what she wanted from you, of course! You know how curious I am." I crossed my arms.

"of course, I could I forget? I've got an curious little boyfriend." he made sure to pronounce the world 'little' extra annoying for me while smirking.

"I swear to God! If you call me little one more fucking time, I'll make sure you never gonna get your first time, ever." I growled at him.

"alright, Mi Vida. I won't do it again." he put his hands up in defense.
"good, now change, I'll be in the kitchen." I said walking out of Camilo's room.

Camilo's pov:

When y/n walked out of the door I smiled to myself.

<he's so fucking handsome and adorable at the same time! How is that even possible?>

I changed into my regular clothes that I always wear. An white button shirt with the top 2 buttons unbuttoned. Some black jeans. My slippers. And, of course, my Yellow/orange ruana that my Mamá made me.

After changing I went over to my Abuela's door and knocked on it. "Abuela? It's me, Camilo." I said waiting for her to open the door.

I heard Abuela's footsteps from the other side of the door and the I heard and Abuela's voice. "please open the door, Casita."

The door opened and I walked in.

"thank you, Casita" Alma said after The door closed behind me. Then Abuela turned to me. "you can sit down on the chair." she pointed at the chair beside her desk. I sat down and looked at her.

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