Chapter 12: The Dinner

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(Heya guys, I had my first day of school after the winter holidays and it was boring as fuck 😀

Sorry this is an short one 😅

I made this a little freestylish, please don't be mad

Disclamers: swearing, a little bit drama


Y/n's pov:

After we put together the visions pieces Mirabel freaked out.

"I AM DESTROYING THE MAGIC?!" Shs almost screamed.

I said to her pushing her against the desk.

"now calm the fuck down. If you're freaking out we can't do anything for the next 20 minutes!" I whispered to her.

"you're right I think-" She got cut off by Señor Agustín coming into the room.

"Mirabel! You have your party Pants on? Cause I-" he froze when we saw the vision. Me and Mirabel tried to hid it but it was to late.

Mirabel said something really fast that I couldn't really understand but I understood the last sentence. "We think it's all of... Me?"

It was silent for a moment.
Señor Agustín came up to us and gently pushed us aside. "Pá?" Mirabel asked him.

He looked at the vision for some minutes until the doorbell started ringing. "We say nothing!" Señor Agustin said looking at both of us.

Then he started to put all of the visions pieces in his pockets. "Abuela wants this dinner to be perfect. So before the Guzmáns leave: you did not break into Brunos tower, the magic is not dying, the house is not breaking and Luisas gift is not fading!"

After he was done he took Mirabel by the shoulders "just act normal!"
Casita opened the door and I saw Dolores on the other side.

She did her usual high-pitched "huh!" and that dragged Señor Agustins and Mirabels attention to her. It was silent and then Dolores whispered "I know" and did her sound again before running off.

"shes gonna tell everyone!" Mirabel whispered. All three of us went downstairs and sat down at teh dinning table.

I sat next to Isabela (to my right) and Mirabel (to my left). I heard an 'pssst' from my right and saw Mariano trying to get my attention.

I nodded at him and he excused himself "I'm sorry to disturb this lovely dinner before we even started, but I need to talk to y/n. If that's Okey of course?" he asked Alam

"Of course, Go ahead." She said.
I stood up and went into the kitchen with Mariano.

"what do you need?" I asked crossing my arms behind my back.
"I just wanted to ask if you have the painting. I'm really sorry for asking, but I'm just nervous." he said.

"Nono it's alright! And yes I hid it inside Mirabel's room." I smiled.
"Okey, good. Thanks. Can you bring it, And hide it here somewhere?" he asked.

"of course I can. You can go back to dinner and tell them I'll be back in a minute." I assured him.

"Okey. And thanks again!" he walked back to the dinning room,and I could hear all the people asking where I am.

<Time to get the painting>

I went to Mirabel's room and opened the door before I heard something wierd coming from the walls.

I shrug it off but then I heard it again. But this time I also hear someone saying 'ow' over and over again.

"hello?" I asked looking in every direction. Then it went silent, you could only hear the talking comibg from the dining room.

I got a little creeped out but taht didn't stop me from getting the painting. So I got the painting, shut the door and went back to the kitchen. I hid the Painting and went back to the dinner.

I saw how Camilo turned into Mirabel, Me, Bruno and then himself again but with fish eyes?

I sat down and stared at Mirabel. She came closer to me "Dolores told him" she whispered to me.

I got scared and looked back at camilo, who's already telling Señor Félix. Félix spit out his water and Mariano let out an high-pitched gasp.

I looked at Camilo. He looked conserned back at me. Then I heard how Clouds started to firm over Señora Pépa's head.

(a little time skip to when Abuela sees the vision)

I froze in fear and looked at the ground standing next to Mirabel. Mirabel looked at Alma.

"what is this!?" Alma yelled at us.
"Abuela, I-" Alma cut her off.

"You two went into Bruno's tower and took the vision. Yes, I get that! But you know exactly that we don't go up there!" she punched the table as she  screams.

"wow, not even letting your grandchild speak" I whispered to myself.

"what was that y/n?" Alma said. I looked at her trying not to curse at her. Then I looked at Everybody else in the room.

I took an deep breath.
"Damn, ya'll are really broken. And I think we all know who made you like that" I said grabbing Mirabel's arm. And dragging her out of the room.

I went up the stairs still dragging Mirabel with me. She eventually caught up with me. "I can't believe you said that in her face!" she said looking at me worried.

"I can't believe that too. Can't you feel how I'm shaking?" I asked.

Mirabel started to talk before I cut her off. I saw something moving into an painting on the wall.

"wait, wait. Come with me." I said dragging her to an painting.
"I swear something just crawled into the painting.

I moved the painting to see it moving like an door. I looked at Mirabel and she nodded.

I jumped down that tunnel behind the painting and waited till Mirabel was down.

(986 words

I hope ya'll liked this chapter 🙂
Idk how I did so please give me some feedback on that one.

Anyways bye)

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