Chapter 11: We Don't Talk About Bruno!

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(Heya guys, sorry it too me so long to make this chapter I just needed some ideas 😅.

And sorry for the A/N's Ik they're annoying.

Disclamers: swearing

Anyways enjoy!)

Y/n's pov:

After Señor Félix warned both of us, Señora Pépa came in between the three of us.

"We don't talk about bruno, no, no, no!" she waved with her index finger infront of Félix.

Then she looked at us. "We don't talk about bruno~!" now she waved her index finger over us.

Meanwhile Señor Félix took Pépa by the waist and put both of them  into an dancing pose.

"But!" Señora Pépa and Señor Félix both looked at us at the same time.

"It was my wedding day." Pépa sung while dancing With Félix.

"It was our wedding day!" Félix interrupted which made me chuckle a bit.

Suddenly we were in town. It looked really pretty and busy.

"We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky." Pépa waved her arms in the air, and looked up to the sky. Meanwhile Félix was dancing on his own.

"no clouds allowed in the sky!" Félix interrupted again.

Both looked into an direction where someone came walking in. I immediately looked at Mirabel and she looked at me.

"is that who I think it is?" she whispered. I nodded and looked back at man.

"Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin." Pépa said and Bruno put hsi fingertips together and grined creepy.

"thunder!" Félix Shouted. I flinched. When he said that a flash came.

I looked at Félix with an 'really?' face.

"You telling this story or am I?" Pépa asked while walking away.

Félix quickly came up to pépa, took her hand walked his fingers up her arm. "I'm sorry, mi vida, go on~"

"Bruno says, 'It looks like rain'" Pépa said while dancing with Félix

"why did he tell us!~" Félix said dramatically.

"In doing so, he floods my brain!" Pépa explained.

"Abuela, get the Umbrella~s!" Félix said, pulling an Umbrella out of nowhere.

"Married in a hurricane~!"

"What a joyous day! But anyway."

There were some people who took out an Umbrella, opened them and got pulled away from wind.

I looked at Mirabel, she was dancing with her shoulders.

Then we both got pulled in the way from Pépa and Félix because of the wind. 

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no" both Pépa and Félix said while dancing infront of us.

Félix came up to us and twisted Mirabel meanwhile I just followed them. "We don't talk about Bruno!"

Me and Mirabel were in the casita again but it was dark.

"it look comfortable when it's dark in here." I said to myself.

We both heard an 'Hey' behind us. Mirabel and I turned around to see Dolores.

"Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling" She said.

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